𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮

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He hovered above me, my wrists pinned above my head by his right hand, he occasionally kissed the corner of my lips, his left hand was gentle against my bare chest.

I cry.

"I hadn't even done anything yet and you are already so excited~"

His deep raspy voice was all I really needed to get aroused, it hurt not being relieved,

His fingers grazed the v that led down to my groin and I whine, just wanting him..to go further down.

"Please Dream!"

"I'm sorry.."
He growled against my ear, my whole body trembling.
"I can't do that~"

His knee moves up between my legs teasingly. I groan.

"Now how will you make this stop? Moaning won't help you in this situation."

"Dream..it hurts..."

His knee slowly moved against my groin and I tremble, trying to bite back any noises I felt like making.

"Look at me."
Dream smirked.

"Y-Yes Alpha.."
I groaned, looking into his eyes, I was so hot and flustered.

"I like that.."
He slowly released my wrists and moved a hand to wrap around my neck, pressing me into the mattress a bit more.
"What have you learned from all of this baby~?"

"N-Not to...lead you on.."
I felt my eyes roll back and I moan again,

"Good boy.."
He brung his lips to mine, biting my bottom lip.
"I'll leave you to relieving yourself."
He went to start to get off of me, but I took his arm.

"N-No don't..you asshole..."


He was very arroused, he had to change to sweatpants during this whole form of torture so he didn't lose circulation.

"Do you want me~?"
He chuckled deeply.

I cover my face in embarrassment.

"Well too bad..you know, I want you really bad but because this is punishment and not the way I want to go about our first time, I have to leave you."

I whimper.

"I love you."
He kissed me deeply a few times, my fingers tangled in his hair, I didn't want to stop..but...

He pulled away and with a wink, he left to the bathroom.


I didn't remember when or how I fell asleep, all I remembered was waking up changed in new clothes, though I reeked of sweat.

My body ached and my head hurt as I forced myself up, stumbling to the bathroom.

Dream was in his office I assumed.

I undress, several red bruises on my neck and chest were on my image reflected in the mirror and I blush, he is such an ass..

I slipped into the shower and washed the terrible smell of perspiration off of my small body.


"I kinda went crazy last night, I hope I didn't scare you."
Was the first thing Dream said when I walked into his office.
"I was just sexually frustrated."
He laughed a bit.
"There is only so much teasing I can take.."

"It's okay...it was..hot-"
I blush, covering my mouth.

"Didn't think you would be this type of boy? It's exciting if I'm being honest, you just had two tell me if I'm scaring you or being too aggressive if..we ever do that again.."

"I will.."

Though..I hope that if this does happen again..he will actually fulfill my desire for him..

Wait! Stop thinking such thoughts..

"So..I actually have an important thing to talk to you about."

"What about?"
I got a bit nervous as I went to sit on a clear spot on his desk.

"Our future..I haven't really wanted to talk to you about this just because of Nick..but the East has been quite aggressive with us lately."
His cheeks were a gentle red all of a sudden and he glanced away from my eyes,

He was..nervous?

"As an Alpha of a pack..I need to make sure my lineage continues on..so, I need pups..pretty soon before things escalate.."

I was red in the face and stuttered a bit,
"H-How soon..?"

"Well..as soon as possible..we just, haven't done anything yet and I don't want to force you into this-"

"W-We..can try...if you want.."

"Huh? When?"
Dream looked at me sadly.
"You feel pressured."

"No. I just-I need to finally..you know..seal our bond. We aren't one and that proves to be a struggle for us..so let's do it..t-tonight.."

Dream chuckled, his eyes soft as they looked at me.
"Are you sure."

"I have actually never been more sure in my life then I am right now.."





WHAT DO I DO?!???"

"Nurse what do mates do when they seal their bond?!"
I start crying out of embarrassment.

"Hmm? It's just se-"

"I know but what do I do? How do I prepare?!?"



"You want to get pregnant?"

"Well that is our goal! Dream needs an heir!"

She sighed, leaning into my face and looking at me seriously.
"Just let him teach you. I promise he will be careful with you."

"I know..I just feel embarrassed because I don't know how to..you know-"




𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now