𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

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Never did I think I would be watching my mate fight for his life-

"George please wake up!"

I shouldn't have went for Karl..I wasted too much time!

"Dream you should get some rest..you haven't slept in two days..please."
The nurse pointed me to the door.
"I'll see if I can do anything to help him recover faster..but he is an Omega..so his healing is very weak."

That bastard! If George dies..I'm releasing all hell on Nick and his mate.. I don't fucking care if it is my last life, I couldn't live it without George..

"I don't want to leave his side..please..."
I laid my forehead against his cold hand.

I didn't realize how weak his body was..and how bad of a situation we were in..

"Dream..I'm sorry but I don't think he is going to recover..not from something like this. He was inflicted serious head trauma..and they slit one of his wrists, not to mention that collar they put on him was very tight."

"Don't say that!"
I barked.

No..he will live!

"I'm not going to just lie to you Dream!"
He snarled.
"Wake up! This is reality! Where people die and people move on! I get it! He is your mate! You didn't get to do much of anything really together but..just be happy about what you did get to do!"

I wanted to kill her..

But she was right...

"Fuck you.."

"I know..and I'm sorry..."
She kissed the top of my head as smoothed a hand through George's fluffy brown hair,
"I'll miss you.."

I could barely hear those words..but I heard them..and how her voice broke.

My Luna could be gone any moment now and I couldn't do shit about it because I made the wrong decision in the past..

Maybe if I let him leave back when we first met..he would be alive and happy..friends with Nick..and his family.


"Dream~ Oh Dream~"
His voice was melodious and sweet, echoing in my mind.
"Oh you big dummy wake up!"

My eyes opened slowly, looking up at the brunette, a flower crown on his head, his eyes warm.

"You fell asleep when we were telling stories. Was mine really that boring?"

Why do I not remember anything..? Or how I got here?

"Georgie..? Where are we?"

"Moo Moo Meadows Duh!"
He snuggled into me, though I couldn't feel anything.

"Am I dead?"
I asked out if curiosity.

"No..why would you be?"

"I don't know..."
I look around, the sky was clouded over in a thick grey but the field was bright and full of life.

Was my mind trying to tell me something?

"Dream..I love you. Thank you for being my mate!"

This is torture..

"I love you too.."


"One day we will have a big family! What you have always wanted! Let's have two boys and a girl!"


Tears started to fall from my eyes, the wind picking up-


It started to rain..

"Why are you crying Dream?"


"Why..are you crying...Dream?"
It was George's weak straining voice..

I shook, looking into his tired red eyes..the life drained from them..

"I love you..so much....be strong."

"I love you too."
I squeezed his hand softly.

"Please don't..kill Karl....he was just dragged into..this..."
"He doesn't deserve..to be punished for another's..crime..."


"I think this is..my last life, and I'm so glad..to have lived it with you. We argued a lot..and they were all my fault..and I'm sorry I couldn't mate...I was.."
He giggled a little.

"You are going to live-"

"I hope..we meet again, but not..too soon-"

He started to cough painfully, the nurse tried to fetch an oxygen mask again but..it was too late..

His head fell and his hand was limp, the line on the monitor straightened and let out a loud drawn out beep.

This isn't reality..

Is it?



"You look so sad! Come on Dream! Let's go play around a bit! The rain is the best to play in!"

I reach out to him-

But my hand fazes right through..

"Dream come on!"

I yell.

But he can't hear me..

Then who-

Another me, was approaching him,

Embracing him..

"You are such a child.."
He laughed..with him....

What George and I could have been..

My mind was just torturing me.

Mocking my pain..

The severed mate bond tormented me as I awoke in my bed..alone,

George's scent lingering in the sheets.

I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom, looking into the mirror,

My mate mark was gone, as if George never even existed..

"You are finally up! You have some guests."
The nurse came through the door right as I sat back down on the edge of the bed.

That scent..

"I'm sorry for your loss.."


Next chapter is the last chapter!

Sorry I had to do this to you guys..but as I said at the beginning-this was going to be a sad book..

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now