𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐞

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"I'm Luna now so you can't take me back."
I text my mother for the first time in a week.

"He marked you??"

"Not that kind of mark, I just have the Luna's mark. Calm down."
I sent back a more snarky remark.

"George quit acting like you are above me. I am your mother."

"And I am an 18 year old Omega with an Alpha Mate who made me Luna. Logically speaking, my status is above you now, disregarding me being an Omega."


"Goodbye mum."
I just text, and turn my phone off.

Now that I remember, Nick never responded to my text..

I guess we aren't friends anymore..

I felt extremely lonely, I had no one but Dream here and though I loved being with him, I had wished I had more people to chat with.

Dream was Alpha of the pack too so he often had to leave to work on stuff and I just stayed in our bedroom until he returned, only leaving for food and or if I just needed something somewhere.

Maybe if I let Dream mark me I would feel safer to go out and explore the clan..maybe make some new friends. And I feel like Dream would be more comfortable with not being with me all the time too..

That's what I'll do tonight..

I'll encourage him to mark me..and tell him I am ready to take the next step..


"Do I have to have sex to get marked?"
I asked a nurse, embarrassed.

"No dear, it just more commonly happens that way, but if you aren't ready for that then you don't have to. Also, I'm sure the Alpha will understand."

"Oh good!"
I heave a sigh of relief and melt into the chair.

"Did you want some tips on how to-?"

"No thanks! Oh would you look at the time-! Lunch! Imma go get some chow! Bye!!!"
I screeched and she laughed as I ran out of the room.

I knew she was going to try and talk about that stuff..

I don't need tips and tricks, when the time comes I'll know what to do..

What's so hard about being on the receiving end anyway? What would I need to know?

I blush even harder and cover my mouth.
Walking into the dinning hall I sat at a table alone and one of the servers set my usual plate of food in front of me, I offered them my usual smile and they nod and leave me be.

"You're the Alpha's mate right?"
I look up from my food to see that pretty Beta male from a while ago.

I tense up but nod,
"Yes..I am."

"A shame you are an Omega. You would be really pretty if you were a beta like me."
He smiled cutely.
"Though if I disregarded your class then I would say you are one of the most attractive males I've ever seen."

He sat down next to me, leaning into my face a bit.

I froze, not knowing what to do or say.

What does he want?

Why is he so close.

"Luna hmm? So I guess now I have to ignore that you are an Omega. It doesn't matter when you are the Luna."
He stretched out his right hand, running his pointer finger down my neck.
"You don't smell too much like the Alpha, that's dangerous you know~"

Why was he, a beta, making me so nervous.

"He should mark you before, someone else does it and you are their property~"

I tremble a bit, taking his hand and pushing it back towards him.
"What do you want from me? Who are you?"

"Just a Beta..no need to know my name, it really doesn't matter. As for what I want? Truly I don't want anything. You were just quite curious to me. I had never seen such a lonely pretty Luna before?"

"Leave me be.."
I growl.

"As you wish."
He slowly stood up,
"Till a later date."

And then he walked off.

A shiver went down my spine. He was very odd and I felt like I was in danger the whole time.


"Georgie I bought you some clothes that will actually fit you."
Dream came in with bags, laying them on the ground by the bed.

Should I ask him now?

Maybe I should try and make the mood more romantic?

"Dream, come here please."
I offer him a hand.

"Hmm? Sure, what's up?"
He took my hand and I gently pulled him, falling back on the bed, he fell and hovered over me,

I bring my arms up and draped them around his neck.
"How was your day?"
I started off.

"It was..really good actually.."
He couldn't focus on the question, more of on my lips and neck.
"What are you trying to do..?"

I made sure that my voice was soft and broke a little, he growled seeming to like it.

His voice lowered, his eyes darkened as well.

"Dream..can you...mark me?"
I leaned up and kissed his lips three times, moving down to his neck, he growled.

"It is going to hurt ten times worse then the Luna mark."

"I'm prepared for that."
I moved my head to the side in submission, his growling good deeper in arousal.

"As you wish my Luna.."

He was gentle and slow, kissing the area of my neck he was going to mark softly, a smiled, a light blush or crimson on my cheeks as his teeth sunk into my skin, I let out a cry and Dream hugged me around my waist, pulling my lower body against him, my back arching and my neck craned.

When he finished, he laid my back back against the mattress beneath us, he watched the mark intently, wondering what shape or symbol it would take.

My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to calm down my breathing. Dream rubbed my stomach gently.

"It is a smiley face."
Dream's voice sounded content and I opens my eyes just a little to see how happy he looked as his eyes were on me below him.
"You were so good."
He kissed my cheek.
"My mate.."
He kissed my lips, and then laid next to me, running a hand down my arm.

"I'm sorry all you could do was mark me..this must have been boring.."
I frown.

"No baby, I don't care if we don't do anything more until you are ready, I am glad you let me mark you. It makes me feel a lot more at ease."

I nod slowly, my neck sore and my body drained of energy.

"Sleep now my Luna.."
Dream spoke tenderly, kissing my forehead..and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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