𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤

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It was my turn to be the dominant one.

I was going to mark Dream tonight.

Now how do I even go about that..?


"How do I mark him? Will he even let me?"
I whine to the nurse.

"Well you have to make him submit first, that is your problem. And the more you arouse him the more dominant he would get."

"So..don't turn him on?"

"Well..you should still make sure he is in the mood, but get straight to the point. Some Alphas will just let their mate mark them for telepathy but others may get a bit upset since marking is mostly an Alpha thing."
The nurse leaned on the counter.

"Will he hurt me?"

"Of course not! Never worry about that Luna!"

"Uh..just call me George..the title of Luna is getting kinda old, I'll forget my name."

She chuckled at me and gave a nod.

"Thank you, I should get going then..I need to get a few things-"

"Need condoms?"

I scream and run out as she wheezed.

Jeez she really likes to toy with me..


I went to the market, "buying" some food and some clothing-truthfully people just threw stuff at me, I would feel bad to decline, so I went back home with full arms, struggling up the steps to Dream and I'd room.

I got to decorating, making it more affectionate looking, turning the LED lights to red and changing the sheets to soft red ones as well.


These things are too sexual..

I would be leading him on...

I turned the LED lights to purple instead, sitting on the bed and looking about the room. There was a bad full of take out I had gotten for him sitting on his desk and I had organized our closet and laid out a nice new pair of sweatpants for him to change into.

I had marking ones on and one of his shirts that were way too big for me on. My heart started to race. How do I start? What will he do when I start the marking process? Will he get angry with me?

"Georgie, I hope you aren't asleep because I wanted to ask how your day-"
Dream paused when he opened the door, looking around the room first, and then at me.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks as we made eye contact.

He smirked, letting out a low growl.
"What are you planning?"

"Take a seat and make yourself comfortable."
I come back to my senses and stood from the bed, taking his hands and leading him to sit where I sat.
"Are you hungry?"

"Not right now, George what are you doing?"

Should I ask?



"Hey Dream.."
I spoke in the small slightly cracking voice he loved, slipping onto his waist and pushing his chest so he would lay against the silky crimson comforter.


"You know I love you..right?"
I leaned down, purring that against his ear, guiding a hand along his inner thigh and up his right side.

He growled sexually, his right hand came up to my waist and pressed my lower half against his, I blushed as I felt it against me,

"Yes I know you love me.."
His deep voice cracked at the end, his eyes never leaving mine,

I leaned my face to his and slowly started kissing him passionately,

Maybe I was taking this too far..

We might..

I slowly remove my lips from his and start trailing them down his neck.

Here it goes-

I imply I want to mark him by tenderly kissing one spot on his neck,

He groaned a bit, not rejecting me, and I sunk my teeth into his neck.

His left hand ran through my hair, the other on my back.

"You are so devious.."
He chuckled as I pulled back, waiting intently to see the mark form before my very eyes.
"Turning me on just to mark me..you are such a tease George.."

Despite his words, he had a smirk on his lips, and I smiled innocently, moving my eyes back to the bite that was slowly forming into a smiley face too.

"We are matching."
I felt so happy.

"As we should."
He rubbed my thighs as he sat up, I slid into his lap.
"Now why couldn't you have just asked me if you could mark me back instead of making me want to eat you alive?"

"E-Eat me?"
I looked at him horrified.

"Not the literal meaning dingbat."
He rolled his eyes, kissing my neck.
"You are so naive..I love it."

His breath was heavy and hot and I moaned in reaction, his grip on my thighs tightened in sexual tension.

The way his voice rumbled as it escaped his lips..

I turned my head away from him, this revealing more of my neck.

His left hand snaked up and wrapped itself around my throat, squeezing in just the right places, I groan.

"You really thought you could just mark me and not suffer the consequences of your actions..?"
He teased me, his lips just inches away, gently grazing mine intentionally as he spoke.
"My form of revenge is simple. I'll make sure your all hot and bothered, and then I'll leave you to deal with it on your own..all while making sure I feel good..no nudity and sex required."

I whine.

"I'll make sure to tease you until you are crying for me.."

This was a mistake..

I should have just asked to mark him.

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now