Chapter 21

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For the past 5 minutes, Sans and Mettaton had been glaring at each other. You could feel the anger and tension in the air, as you all just stared at them. It was safe to say that you were more than a little uncomfortable right now. You looked at Papyrus, only to find that he didn't have the same reaction as you. He seemed to be both shocked and scared, and he had tears in his eyes. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. After all, he had just watched his older brother and his idol fighting.

You ran to him and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He was your best friend after all, and you hated seeing him upset. He returned your hug and burst into tears. This must have caught Sans's attention, because next thing you knew he was also hugging Papyrus.

"Bro? What's wrong?" he asked, clearly worried about Papyrus. Papyrus didn't answer, he was crying too much to be able to speak. He just cried even more. You were also pretty upset about the fact that Sans and Mettaton were just fighting, but you were hiding it pretty well.

You sighed: "It's because you and Mettaton were fighting..." Suddenly, Sans's face was filled with guilt and regret. He hugged Papyrus tighter, but then Sans's guilt turned to anger. He glared at Mettaton, and flipped him off behind Papy's back. Mettaton seemed shocked by this, and became even more angered.

"First you kiss my fiance, then you fight me, and now your flipping me off behind Papyrus's back!" Mettaton complained.

"One, I kissed her as a dare. Two, You're the one who started the fight. And three, I'm flipping you off because you're a jerk, and it's your fault Papyrus is crying!" Sans retaliated. You could feel the tension in the air, as they once again began to argue. You knew that unless something was done about this, things would go from bad to worse. Without thinking, you let go of Papyrus, walked over to Mettaton, and hugged him from behind. Hopefully this would help to calm him down, and make him realise that you would remain dedicated to him, no matter what.

As soon as you did this, Sans and Mettaton both fell silent. Your arms wrapped tighter around Mettaton's waist, and you buried your face in his back, being careful not to flip his switch. You felt him relax a little, indicating that he was calming down.

"Please... Don't fight....." you said softly, trying to hold back your emotions. You just wanted them to get along, but you knew that would never happen. They both sighed.

"Ok, kiddo." Sans muttered. There was clearly a lot more he wanted to say to Mettaton, but he held back, knowing that he'd only make things worse if he said them.

"Listen, darling. I don't like you, and you clearly don't like me, but fighting will not solve anything." Mettaton hesitantly offered out his hand for a handshake, "So how about we agree to be civil, for (Y/N) and Papyrus?"

Sans nodded and shook Mettaton's hand. "How about we go to Grillby's, just me and you?" he asked, turning to you, "It'll be just like old times."

You nodded. Going to Grillby's with Sans used to be one of your favourite things, but you'd been so caught up with Mettaton lately that you hadn't really had time to go with him. Sans smiled, sweeping you off your feet and picking you up bridal style. Mettaton scowled in annoyance, but tried his best to remain calm, not wanting to break the agreement he'd just made. Sans knew what he was doing, and smirked at Mettaton's displeasure. Mettaton noticed this, but before he could say anything, Sans was already carrying you to Grillby's...

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