Chapter 13

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About 20 minutes had passed, and Mettaton was called on stage. His grip shifted and before you knew it, he was carrying you on stage bridal-style. The curtains opened as he effortlessly carried you across the stage. The audience cheered, and Mettaton sat down on one of 3 chairs, seemingly layed out for another on-stage interview.

"Hello, darlings! How are you all tonight?" he asked the audience, achieving a loud "WOO!" from almost everyone in the audience.

"Now tonight, we have some special guests. All the way from Snowdin, please welcome: Sans and Papyrus!"

On cue, the Skelebros made their entrance. They waved to the cheering crowd, before taking their seats opposite you and Mettaton. Sans had his usual lazy grin on his face and laid-back demeanour, slumping back into the cushioned chair. Papyrus, on the other hand, was smiling wider than you had ever thought possible. He looked like he was gonna explode, and like he would start squealing as soon as Mettaton opens his mouth to speak.

"Are you ok, Papy?" you asked him.

"I AM COMPLETELY FINE, HUMAN! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I'M ACTUALLY ON METTATON'S SHOW! I'M HIS BIGGEST FAN!" Papyrus exclaimed, struggling to contain his enthusiasm.

"As you all know, I recently got with (Y/N). I know you all like to hear the latest gossip, so I've decided to give you all some insight on what's going on between us. And what better way to do that than to invite her 2 best friends on the show, and have them ask us questions about our relationship!" Mettaton announced.

The crowd went wild, and you all waited for them to settle down. Once they were silent, the interrogation began. Sans was the first to speak.

"So kiddo, is he treating you right?" he questioned, turning to you. His expression had changed to a very serious one, a strong contrast from the lazy grin he was displaying about a minute ago.

"Yep! He's such a gentleman, and he's always so romantic!" you replied without hesitation. Sans could tell by your tone of voice that you meant it, and that you had fallen for him bad. Mettaton smiled down at you lovingly, and Sans' expression softened.


"I don't know. How protective is Sans?" he asked, subtly glaring at Sans. Was Mettaton jealous of Sans?


"I see..." he muttered. Yep, he was definitely jealous of Sans. "Well, I am relatively protective of her, but I wouldn't say I'm over-protective. So no, I'm not as protective as Sans."

You could hear the irritation in his voice. It was clear that he didn't like Sans. But Sans didn't like him either, and he never had.

"Do you truly love her?" Sans enquired, his expression serious again and his eye sockets dark. "Or are you just using her for attention..."

"What kind of question is that?" Mettaton demanded, before Sans interrupted him.

"Cos if you are..." he continued, summoning a few bone attacks. "You're gonna have a bad time..."

Papyrus' eye sockets widened, as he watched his older brother threaten Mettaton. Sans moved the attacks closer to Mettaton.

"Answer me..."

Mettaton smirked at Sans. "Of course I love her. What type of person do you think I am?"

"The type of person who only cares about himself. The type of person who cares more about fame than his own girlfriend. That's the type of person I think you are." he stated darkly. His eye sockets were still pitch black, and he looked more serious than ever.

There was an awkward silence, as you all stared at Sans. Eventually, he made his bone attacks disappear, and his white pupils reappeared.

"Well, that took a dark turn. Anyway, lets have one last round of applause for our guests!" Mettaton announced. You, Sans and Papyrus all waved to the audience, before making your way backstage. The 3 of you sat backstage while Mettaton carried on with the show.

"What was all that about?" you asked Sans, annoyed that he had threatened your boyfriend.

"Listen, kiddo. I know you love him, but he's not a good guy. He thinks the world revolves around him, and he only cares about fame. I know what he's like, and I think he's using you." he explained. Looking in his eyes, you could tell that he really thought that. You sighed.

"Sans, I know you're just looking out for me, but I don't think threatening him on live TV is the right way to go about it. And besides, I think he truly loves me, and I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt me." you reasoned, your voice quiet and reassuring.

"Ok kiddo, but let me know if he does, ok?"

You nodded, and went over to hug Sans. He hugged you tight, and you cried softly into his shoulder.

"You ok?"

"Y-yeah, it's just... I don't want you and Mettaton to fight..." you admitted, trying your best to hold back your tears. You failed, breaking down and sobbing uncontrollably. Sans made circular motions on the middle of your back with his hand, since he knew it helped you calm down. His other hand was resting on your lower back. Usually you would correct him on this, but right now you didn't care. He was making you feel better.

Then, Mettaton entered the room...

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