Chapter 14

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Mettaton had just entered the room, and saw Sans holding you close. Better yet, one of his hands was resting on your lower back. You knew this didn't look good. You would have said something, but you were sobbing uncontrollably, with your head buried in Sans' shoulder. Yep, this definitely didn't look good. You needed to say something, and you needed to say it now, or Sans and Mettaton would probably get into a fight. You tried to say something, but your words wouldn't form. The only sound that came out was chocked sobbing, between bits of incoherent mumbling.

"Shhh... It's ok, kiddo..." Sans said comfortingly, as he continued to rub your back in a circular motion. You started to calm down a little, as Sans tried to comfort you. He was helping a lot, and you really didn't know what you would do without him. You were glad to have him as one of your best friends. About 10 minutes later, you had calmed down enough to speak.

"I... I just d-don't want you guys to fight..." you mumbled. You were still crying a little, and you felt like even the littlest thing could cause you to break down again. You let go of Sans, turning to face Mettaton.

"P-please don't be jealous of Sans... He's just one of m-my best friends, a-and he's just looking out for me..."

Mettaton's expression softened, and he looked at you with loving eyes. He finally understood. You ran over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug, and he almost instantly put his arms around you. You rested your head on his chest, before whispering to him: "Thank you..."

~~~~~~3 days later~~~~~~

You and Mettaton were sitting backstage, waiting to be called on-stage. Finally, you were told to go up. The 2 of you walked on-stage, arm-in-arm, and were greeted by a cheering audience.

"Hello beauties and gentlebeauties! How are you all tonight?" Mettaton called out, getting a loud "WOO!" in response.

"I have a special surprise planned for the end of tonight's show, but you will all have to wait and see what it is!" he announced, and 'Death by Glamour' began to play.

The next 20 minutes were a blur. You and Mettaton had a dance battle, followed by a pose off, and then the music faded out. Mettaton went over to his seat, and retrieved a black leather box from behind the cushion. He hid it behind his back, and the lights dimmed down. Suddenly, a bright spotlight beamed down on you. Mettaton stood in front of you, illuminated by its intense glow.

"Darling~" he cooed, getting down on one knee.

"Will you do me the honour..." he continued, as he slowly opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Of marrying me?"

In that moment, time seemed to slow. Tears began streaming down your cheeks, and you clasped your hands over your face. You nodded, and exclaimed "Yes!"

The crowd went wild with excitement, as they all clapped and cheered for you. Mettaton stood up, before sliding the ring onto your finger. He then proceeded to sweep you off your feet, and then carried you off-stage bridal style...


Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I had writer's block and didn't know where to go with the story, but I'm back now. I hope this chapter met all of your expectations, and I'll try to update more often in future.

To try and make up for it, here's an adorable GIF I found of a chibi Mettaton EX.

To try and make up for it, here's an adorable GIF I found of a chibi Mettaton EX

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Anyways, I hope you're all having an amazing day, and remember:

Stay fabulous, darlings!

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