Chapter 16

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You and Mettaton looked at each other for a moment, the expression on both of your faces the same. It was a look that could only be read as "well, that just happened", which was highly appropriate for the situation. You had both gotten woken up at 8:30 in the morning by your hyperactive skeleton friend, Papyrus, who reminded you about the party 10 and a half hours in advance and then left. You had to admit though, it was very sweet and considerate of him. This was one of the reasons he was one of your best friends.

You decided that you wanted to go back to sleep, since you were still quite tired. Judging by the look on Mettaton's face, you were both on the same page here. You snuggled up into his chest, as he wrapped his strong, robotic arms around you. You felt calm and relaxed as he held you close to him, and it didn't take long for you to fall deep into the void of sleep.

~~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~

"Darling~" Mettaton cooed, "It's time to wake up, darling~"

You opened your eyes, only to find Mettaton's face inches from yours. You smiled slightly, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He leaned in and kissed you, and only then did you realise that he was on top of you. Lust took over, and you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. You felt his tongue quickly slide into your mouth, and you instinctively slid your tongue into his mouth. The 2 of you quickly got into a heated make-out session, with you both breaking away for air every 3 minutes, only to go right back to it a few seconds later. This continued for about 20 minutes, before Mettaton pulled back, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. A long trail of saliva stretched between his tongue and yours, and then broke almost exactly in the middle. You lay there, panting like a dog, as Mettaton finally got off you.

After you had caught your breath, you climbed off the bed. Checking the time, you realised it was 5 PM, giving you 2 hours to get ready. Had you really slept that long? Well, you were very tired, and you had been incredibly busy these past few days. Plus, you really enjoyed your sleep. You went over to the other side of the room and sat down in front of your closet and your set of drawers, as you tried to decide on whether you wanted to wear a dress or a 2 piece outfit.

One hour later, you had narrowed your entire wardrobe down to 5 possible outfits. You had neatly layed them on your bed, while you left every other piece of clothing you owned scattered across the floor. Looking at the outfits you had chosen, you realised that you liked them all equally, and you were having a hard time deciding which one you wanted to wear. You needed a 2nd opinion on this. And who better to ask than your fabulous fiance, Mettaton! He has amazing fashion sense, so of course he would be able to help you pick an outfit! Plus, you only had an hour until you had to leave for the party. You called him into the room, and the first thing he noticed was the mess.

"Oh my! Darling! What happened in here?" He gasped, clearly realising that your entire wardrobe had been carelessly tossed onto the ground.

"Yeah... Don't worry about the mess. I was kinda having trouble picking an outfit..." You admitted. "But! I have picked out 5 outfits! The only problem is that I can't decide which one I should wear..."

"Say no more, darling! This kind of thing is my specialty!" He announced, his voice laced with pride. He made his way over to your bed, and carefully examined each of the outfits, seeming to give each of them a lot of thought. After about 8 minutes, he picked up the 4th outfit.

"I think this one would look best on you, darling~" He said, as he handed it to you. Mettaton sat on the bed, waiting for you to put it on. As soon as you did, his eyes widened and his jaw fell slightly open.

"D-darling. You look absolutely stunning~" This was the first time you had ever heard him stutter. Looking in the mirror, you could see why. You were wearing a sequined, black, skin-tight dress that was extremely short, and showed off your figure perfectly. You had paired it with a pair of black stilettos. You brushed your hair and did your makeup, before grabbing a jacket and making your way to the skelebros house for the party...

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