100 votes?!

400 8 7

Wow, 100 votes, that's a lot

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Wow, 100 votes, that's a lot.

I really don't know how this story managed to get that many votes, and I didn't expect it to get this popular. But I really am so grateful that it did. The fact that it has this many votes is showing me that a lot of people are enjoying my story, and it just makes me so happy to know that I'm managing to make this many people happy!

It really means so much to me that people like what I'm writing, and that it's getting out there to this many people. So thank you all so much!

You're all so kind in the comments too! It's just so nice to have all of your support, and I really don't know what I would do without you guys! You have all had a part in making me the writer I am today. I'm much more confident about my writing now, and I feel like I'm improving a lot, and it's all thanks to all your support!

I really am so thankful for all of you!

I promise I'll update soon, but until then: Stay fabulous, darlings!

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