2,000 reads?!

515 6 2

Guys, we've officially hit 2k reads! This is amazing!

I never thought that so many people would read this, but it seems I was proven wrong. This is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me, and I know I say this a lot, but it really means a lot that people are actually reading and enjoying what I'm writing! I really am extremely grateful, so thank you guys so much!

 This is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me, and I know I say this a lot, but it really means a lot that people are actually reading and enjoying what I'm writing! I really am extremely grateful, so thank you guys so much!

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As always, if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them, as it would really help a lot. I've kinda been running out of ideas lately.

Anyway, I hope you're having an amazing day. And remember:

Stay fabulous, darlings!

P.S: If any of you are interested, tomorrow marks 2 months since I started writing this fanfic. It's also a leap-year, which works well, since the 2 month mark is on the 29th of February. I started writing this fanfic on the 29th of December 2019 by the way.

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