Chapter 22

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You were quiet while Sans was carrying you to Grillby's. The tension from earlier had made things a little awkward, especially since Sans, one of your best friends, had kissed you. It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to him, it was just that you couldn't think of anything to say. So instead you were completely silent, the only sound being yours and Sans's breathing and Sans's footsteps.

The awkward silence remained until you were reaching the border between Waterfall and Snowdin, when Sans decided to break it.

"So uhh, truth or dare got a bit awkward there, ay kiddo?"

"Heh yeah." You replied, then you both fell silent again. God it was so awkward between you to right now. It wasn't always gonna be like this, was it?

You wanted to talk about something, anything to break through this veil of awkwardness that had fallen upon you both, but you really couldn't thing of anything to talk about. The only thing you could think of right now was his feelings for you, you had so many questions and so little answers. But was bringing this up really the best idea? You weren't too sure, but honestly anything would be better than this silence, you couldn't stand it. You needed something to break through the tension.

"Hey Sans?"

"Yeah kiddo?"

"Um. How long have you, ya know, had feelings for me?" You asked.

Sans looked at you for a moment, a worried expression forming on his face, as he tried to figure out why you were asking him. Wait did he think you didn't wanna be friends anymore just because he's into you?

"I-I don't mind you having feelings for me, I'm just curious is all..." You added, hoping it would clear his worries, and it did. He seemed relieved and you felt him relax a little, but he still looked a little nervous.

"I always have, ever since I met ya. Soon as you left the ruins I got the hots for ya, and it got worse as soon as I heard ya voice. And the more I got to know ya, the harder I fell." Sans admitted, avoiding eye contact and blushing as he spoke. You could tell by his tone that for once he was being dead serious, and that he really did love you.

You didn't know what to say. He had loved you for so long, and yet he hid it so well that you never caught on. It must have been so hard for him to find out that you had gotten with Mettaton, knowing that the woman he had loved for so long was with another man, knowing that he'd missed his chance. He must feel like Mettaton had stolen you away from him. And now he was confessing to you knowing that he was going to get rejected... Poor Sans...

Suddenly you felt cold. Shivering, you looked around to see where you were, only to find you couldn't see anything. Everything was pure white. You panicked, looking up at Sans you saw that his eye sockets were full of snow.

"Sansy? W-what's going on?" You asked him, still freaking out. Your panic only got worse when you realised that could barely hear yourself.

"Looks like there's a blizzard, kid. The sooner we get inside the better." He replied, shouting over the howling wind.

You nodded, holding on tight to him as the wind picked up even more as to not get blown away. It was so cold, you were absolutely freezing and regretted not grabbing a coat before Sans picked you up. You were shivering so much and your entire body had gone numb. You closed your eyes and buried your face into Sans's chest, hoping for this to just be over.

After what felt like forever, you heard a door unlock and open, followed by the sound of slippers on carpet and a door closing. The sound of the wind suddenly got a lot quieter, and looking up you found out why: you were in Sans's house.

Sans flicked the light switch on, flipping it off and back on again and then giving up after getting no results.

"Power's out." He stated, putting you down on the sofa and sitting beside you. "So uhh, what now?"


Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating for so long, I kinda had a lot going on and then forgot this story even existed. But now I'm back and with fresh motivation that comes with failing miserably at sleep and being bored at 1am.

This chapter took an hour, a lot less than they used to take, but it was so much fun to write!
I'm going to try and get back into an update scedule of updating this fanfic and my Papyrus X Reader every week, but I can't make any promises since I'm back in college next week. I'll try my best though!

Honestly I kinda missed writing, and writing this chapter made me rediscover my love for writing.

I left this chapter on a cliffhanger to make it more fun, but also to allow multiple possibilities for the next chapter. I do have an idea for the next chapter though, feel free to make guesses if you want and I'll give hints and stuff.

This author's note is getting kinda long, so Ima stop writing it now. I love you all so much, and remember, stay fabulous darlings!

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