Chapter 20

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You woke up again a few hours later, fully recovered from your injuries. You sat up, noticing everyone was asleep. Well, everyone but Mettaton. You also noticed that Sans, Papyrus, and Mettaton were sleeping on air mattresses on the floor, while Alphys was sleeping in her bed upstairs. You walked over to Mettaton and sat on the air mattress with him. Despite the fact that you had just woken up, you were extremely tired. He must have noticed this, as he pulled you close and laid down. He held you close, and you soon fell asleep in his strong, robotic arms, with your head resting on his chest...

When you woke up for a second time, everyone was awake, even Sans. He noticed you waking up, and smiled.

"Heh, looks like I'm not the only one who likes sleeping in."

You laughed a little. "Yeah, I like sleeping in too."

A few minutes later, Mettaton went out to record another episode of his show. While you waited, you all decided to play truth or dare. It was all going pretty well, just a few lighthearted questions and funny dares, but then things took an interesting turn...

"Hey Sans, truth or dare?" you asked.


"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

He froze, and a light blue tint crept onto his cheekbones. "Uhhh... Well... Yeah....."

"OMG! Who is it?" you asked, very interested now.

"Well... It's a secret, kiddo..." he replied, seeming very nervous.

"IS THIS PERSON IN THE ROOM?" Papyrus asked. Sans's blush deepened, and he nodded.

"I-I dare you to kiss y-your crush!" Alphys said. Sans blushed even more. He sighed, walked over to you, and kissed you on the lips. At that exact moment, Mettaton entered the room. He seemed shocked, but then his shock quickly turned into anger.

"That's my fiance!" he said, pulling Sans away from you.

"It's not what it looks like, Mettaton." Sans told him, still blushing.

"Oh, I think it's exactly what it looks like!" Mettaton started summoning mini versions of his box form, which sent heart-shaped attacks at Sans. Sans countered this by launching bone attacks at Mettaton, and skilfully dodging all of his attacks. Their fight continued, getting worse and worse. At this point, you were crying and begging them to stop fighting.

"I-I dared him t-to kiss (Y/N)!" Alphys admitted. Sans and Mettaton stopped fighting, and looked at her. "W-we were playing truth or d-dare, a-and I dared him to k-kiss his crush.

Mettaton looked at Sans. "You have a crush on my fiance?!"

"Yeah, but I can't exactly help it, ya know!"

They both glared at each other, a mix of anger and jealousy present on both of their faces. They clearly hated each other, even more than they already did, but at least they had stopped fighting. Mettaton saw Sans as a threat, someone who wanted to steal you from him. Sans saw Mettaton as a rival, someone who has stolen the one he loves, which is why Sans was so jealous of him. Both of them were willing to fight for your affection. Either way, it was clear the battle wasn't over. They may have stopped this fight, but the fight to win your heart was just beginning...

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