Chapter 17

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When you arrived at the Skelebros house, you were surprised to see Papyrus waiting at the door for you. As soon as he saw you, he ran up to you and pulled you and Mettaton into a group hug. About a minute later, he released you both from the hug, and took you inside. Sans, Grillby, Undyne and Alphys were already there. As soon as you walked in, Sans came over to you.

"Heya kiddo. Wow, you look beautiful tonight." he complimented, his cheekbones dusted a subtle light blue.

"Thanks Sansy!" you replied cheerfully. His blush became less subtle, due to the nickname you had given him. He always got so flustered when you called him that, but you didn't know why. Mettaton must have noticed this, as he gave Sans the death stare, which Sans immediately returned. Yep, they still hated each other.

"Darling~" Mettaton said, turning to you with a loving gaze, "I have a surprise for you~"

"What is it?" you asked him, tilting your head slightly to the side.

"You'll just have to wait until tomorrow, darling~" he teased.

You decided to drop it, since you knew he wasn't gonna tell you. Instead, you decided to enjoy your engagement party. You wanted know who else was coming to the party, so you figured you should ask Papyrus, considering he planned the whole thing along with Sans. Plus, Mettaton didn't have problem with Papyrus. He was actually starting to become good friends with him.

"Hey Papy?"


"Who exactly is coming to this party?" you asked.

"WELL, WE'RE STILL EXPECTING NAPSTABLOOK, BUT THAT'S ABOUT IT." he told you. As if on cue, Napstablook arrived wearing a pair of black headphones. You and Mettaton both ran to him immediately.

"Blooky!" you yelled in unison, as you both hugged him. Napstablook was one of your closest friends, as well as Mettaton's cousin. He was also an amazing DJ, and since he had shown up wearing his headphones, you assumed that he would be providing the party with music.

"Hey (Y/N), hey Mettaton. Congrats on your engagement by the way." he said, a very slight smile appearing on his face. This was probably the first time you had ever seen Napstablook smile, and he looked even more adorable when he was smiling!

"So, you both like my music, right?" he asked. You both nodded.

"Well, I kinda made a dance remix of Spooktunes, and I was wondering if I could play it. It's OK if you don't want me to though..." his smile faded back into his usual frown.

"Are you kidding? Of course you can play it! And just for the record, Spooktunes was always my favourite." you told him, causing his smile to return. He floated over to the turntable that had been set up, and started to play his new dance remix of Spooktunes. It was awesome.

Then, you went over to the table, where Grillby has layed out an assortment of drinks, some alcoholic, some non-alcoholic. Sans stood beside you.

"Hey kiddo, I have an idea" he said, turning to you.


"How about we try every type of drink here, just because we can?" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" you replied, an excited grin spreading across your face. You and Sans then proceeded to take a shot of every single drink on the table. There were 5 different non-alcoholic drinks, and about 12 different alcoholic drinks, some of which were pretty strong. Grillby had really gone all out! You could bet that you and Sans were both pretty drunk by the end of it. Neither of you could even walk straight. You had never gotten drunk before, so you weren't used to it at all, but you had been really eager to do it. Plus, Sans was one of your best friends, and he had gotten drunk quite a few times before. He would never let anything bad happen to you. You weren't looking where you were going, and you suddenly walked into something.

"Darling?" It was Mettaton. "Are you OK? You should really look where you're going~"

You looked up at him, and gave him a goofy smile. He could easily tell that you were drunk. He sighed, and picked you up bridal style.

"I'd better get you home before you do something stupid..." he said quietly, his voice calm and soothing. The last thing you remember was falling asleep in his arms, as he carried you home...

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