Chapter 19

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You woke up in a room behind one of the waterfalls. As you began to come to your senses, you became aware of something sharp wrapped around the bottom of your right leg. You also realised that you were hanging upside down. You looked at what was wrapped around your leg, discovering that it was a large vine covered in lots of large, sharp thorns. Then, you heard a familiar laugh.

"You thought you could escape? I already told you: In this world..." There was a pause, most likely for dramatic event. "IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED..."

You instantly knew who it was. Flowey. Flowey had kidnapped you.

The vine tightened around your right leg, and another one wrapped around your waist, digging in and squeezing the air out of you. He wrapped another vine around your left arm, covering it completely, the thorns digging deep into your flesh. Your vision started to darken, and you thought you were going to die here, so with the last of your strength, you managed to croak out:


The last thing you heard before you blacked out was Flowey's voice. "BUT NOBODY CAME..."

You woke up again, but you were no longer in that room. You were on a table in Alphys' lab. You tried to get up, but you were quickly stopped by a sharp pain in your stomach.

"Darling! You're awake!"

"M-Mettaton...?" You mumbled. You turned your head to the side, seeing Mettaton standing beside you.

"What... What happened?"

Mettaton looked at you with sadness in his eyes.

"Well, I noticed you never came back home, so I called Papyrus and asked him if you were still at his house. He told me you left 2 hours ago, and he thought you were with me. I met up with Sans and Papyrus, and we went looking for you. Sans heard your quiet call for help, and teleported somewhere. When he teleported back with you, you were passed out, and your clothes were stained with blood. We took you to Alphys, and she disinfected your wounds and bandaged you up." He explained.

"Is Sans ok?" You asked.

"He's fine, darling. Sans and Papyrus are actually in the other room. Would you like me to get them for you?"

"Yeah, that would be great."

Mettaton left the room, re-entering a few seconds later with Sans and Papyrus. Seeing you awake, the brothers ran over to you. They both seemed panicked.


"Yeah, are you ok? You took quite the beating from Flowey, and you were passed out or ages!" Sans added.

"Guys, I'm fine. You don't need to worry." You said weakly. Then world started to go dark again, and you passed out...

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