Chapter 9

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You arrived in Waterfall, walking with Mettaton to wherever he wanted to take you. You had tried asking him where you were going, only to have him answer with: "It's a surprise, darling~"

Without warning, Mettaton picked you up bridal style, and told you to close your eyes. You did as he told you, closing your eyes. About 5 minutes later, he told you to open your eyes again. He put you down, allowing you to take in your surroundings. You were in a secret area behind one of the waterfalls. The room was lit up by various glowing crystals, letting off a beautiful blue light. Once you were done looking around, you looked over to Mettaton. Due to him carrying you through the waterfall, he was completely soaked, but he still managed to look fabulous.

"Well, do you like it, darling?" he asked, gazing lovingly at you.

"Like it? I love it!" you exclaimed, a look of amazement on your face. You rushed over to him, wrapping him in a warm embrace. "But not as much as I love you." you added, just loud enough for him to hear. You heard him chuckle, as he wrapped his arms around you. "I love you too, darling~" he purred.

The 2 of you stayed like that, holding each other close, neither of you wanting to let go. After about 20 minutes, you heard something come through the waterfall.


You knew that voice anywhere.

"Napstablook!" you yelled in excitement, rushing over to hug your ghost friend.

"Oh.. Hey (Y/N).." he said, sounding a little more enthusiastic than usual, which to most people would still sound unenthusiastic.

"Blooky!" Mettaton exclaimed, joining the group hug. "I missed you so much!"

"You.. Did..?" Napstablook asked, sounding hopeful.

"Of course I did! You are my favourite cousin, after all!" he replied.

"Wait, you guys are cousins?!"

"Yeah.." Napstablook said.

Mettaton then turned to you, looking confused. "You didn't know?"

"No, nobody ever told me." you stated blankly. The 3 of you just stood there, an awkward silence falling over you. Well, Napstablook was kinda floating, but yeah. Nobody spoke for about 10 minutes, making the moment even more awkward.

"Oh... Oh no... I made it awkward... Didn't I... I'll just go..." he said, disappearing. He kinda did that sometimes, so you weren't at all shocked by it. You and Mettaton just continued standing there for another 2 minutes, before he finally broke the silence.

"Darling? How about we go back to the resort, it should be set up by now."

"What should?" you asked.

"It's a surprise, darling~"

He hadn't told you he was planning anything, so this came as a surprise to you. Well, that was kind of the point. Mettaton wanted it to be a surprise. Mettaton picked you up again, carrying you all the way to the resort...


Hey guys, sorry this chapter was shorter than normal. I honestly didn't have many ideas for this one so I decided to add Napstablook into the story.

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day. And remember:

Stay fabulous, darlings!

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