Chapter 11

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It was still dark when you woke up, so you decided to just go back to sleep. You let yourself slide down from your sitting position, and lie down on your side, allowing the side of your head to rest in Mettaton's lap. As you began to drift of to sleep, you felt his soft, gloved hand start stroking your hair. Surprisingly, it was somewhat soothing. You finally fell asleep, only to be woken up again a few hours later. You opened your eyes and took a moment to take in your surroundings. You were still in bed, only your head was no longer on Mettaton's lap, and you felt pressure on one side of your waist. You looked down, only to realise that he was now lying across you on his front, his stomach crossing over your waist. His head was on Snowball, and his legs were slightly hanging off the side on the bed. It seemed he was still asleep.

"Mettaton~" you cooed, nudging his shoulder with your hand. He didn't respond. "Mettaton?" your tone was a little more worried this time, reflecting your current emotion. You shook his shoulder, but he remained lifeless. "Mettaton!" you yelled. You were in full-blown panic. Why wasn't he responding? You reached over and got your phone, scrolling through your contacts until you found Dr Alphys. You knew she could help, she did build him after all, so you pressed call.

"H-Hello?" she stuttered.

"Alphys! Something's wrong with Mettaton!" you said quickly, your voice full of urgency.

"W-What happened?! Is h-he ok?!"

"I-I don't know! He isn't responding!" you stuttered a little, as tears began to well in your eyes.

"I'll be r-right over! Where a-are you right n-now?"

"Were in his penthouse, it's in the MTT Resort!"

"O-Ok, d-don't move, I'l b-be there in about 10 minutes!" she told you, before ending the call. You were really worried about Mettaton, so you hoped Alphys would be here soon. You continued shaking Mettaton, crying your eyes out as you repeatedly begged him to wake up. Then, the doors to the elevator opened, and a very frantic-looking Alphys stepped out. You turned to look at her, floods of tears streaming down your face, and she rushed over to you and Mettaton.

"O-Oh my god." she said, before examining him. After a long 2 minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief. "T-Thank god it's just the b-batteries. He just n-needs to recharge for a bit and t-then he'll be good as n-new."

"But, I thought they recharged when he slept." you stated, calming down a little.

"Y-Yes, they do, b-but only a little. I-If he's running too low on p-p-power, he shuts d-down until he's fully recharged."

She then left, as the 2 of you said your goodbyes. You tried to crawl out from under Mettaton, since he was still lying across your waist, but you failed miserably. So you accepted the fact that you would be stuck in that spot until he recharged, and decided to take advantage of the situation. You shifted yourself so you were lying on your stomach, and grabbed your phone, quickly realising that it wasn't connected to the WiFi. That wouldn't have been a problem, if it wasn't password protected, which it was. And the worst part? You didn't know the resort's WiFi password! You were about to give up, when you remembered that you and Papyrus had downloaded a load of random apps on your phone because you were bored.

You spent the next few hours testing out apps on your phone, until you heard a sound behind you.

"Oh yes!"

He had finally recharged.

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