Chapter 10

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Mettaton carried you all the way to the MTT Resort, refusing to tell you what the surprise is. He took you to the MTT resort's restaurant, where a candle-lit dinner was waiting for you. You gasped, this was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for you!

"Well, do you like it, darling?" Mettaton asked, carefully placing you down on a chair, and pushing your chair in for you.

"It's beautiful!" you replied.

"Not as beautiful as you~" Mettaton purred, smirking seductively at you, his eyes half-lidded. He then kissed you softly, before making his way to his own seat. Sitting across from you, he handed you a menu, allowing you to choose from the limited options available. You decided to order a Glamburger, and he ordered the same. As the 2 of you were waiting for your food to arrive, Mettaton produced a bottle of red wine, pouring it into 2 glasses and handing you one. A moment later, the food arrived. You both ate your Glamburgers in a comfortable silence.

Once you had finished eating, Mettaton payed for the meals and offered you his hand. You gladly took it, and he pulled you up from your seat. Hand-in-hand, you and Mettaton walked to the elevator, pressing the button to go to his penthouse. As the elevator doors began to open, Mettaton covered your eyes with his soft, gloved hands. He slowly led you somewhere, and then pulled his hands away, revealing where you were: You were standing in front of his dressing table, on top of which was a bouquet of (F/C) roses and a box of your favourite chocolates. Turning around, you hugged Mettaton tightly, thanking him for the gifts. As he wrapped his arms around you, you leaned up and kissed him. He kissed back, leaning down to deepen the kiss. Soon, the 2 of you broke away for air.

"Darling~" Mettaton cooed, "There's another surprise waiting for you on the bed~"

You turned to look at the bed, seeing a massive pink box, secured with a black ribbon. It looked to be around half the size of you. You sat on the bed and unwrapped the present, revealing a huge stuffed rabbit with soft white fur. It had long, floppy ears and the most adorable black button eyes. You hugged your new giant plushie, and decided to name it Snowball, due to its creamy white fur.

"I take it you like it." Mettaton chuckled.

"I love it! Thank you, Mettaton!"

"No problem, darling! Have you decided what to name him yet?"

"Yep! I'm going to name him Snowball!" you exclaimed, a huge smile on your face. You had to admit, you were acting like a child right now, but Mettaton didn't mind. And anyway, who could blame you? You simply adored Snowball!

For the rest of the evening, you and Mettaton were snuggled up together in bed, watching movies until you fell asleep in each other's arms.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it wasn't as long as some of my other chapters, but I was struggling to come up with ideas. 

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day, and remember:

Stay fabulous, darlings!

P.S: If you're wondering what Snowball looks like, just imagine him to look like this picture, but with bigger eyes and a smaller nose.

S: If you're wondering what Snowball looks like, just imagine him to look like this picture, but with bigger eyes and a smaller nose

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