Chapter 7

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The show had just ended, leaving you and Mettaton behind closed curtains. The 2 of you made your way backstage, and sat down. You hadn't realised how tired you were until now, as you were having trouble keeping your eyes open.

"Tired, darling?" Mettaton asked, getting a simple nod in response. He then scooped you up in his arms, and carried you to the elevator, where he continued to hold you until the doors opened to reveal his penthouse. He gently laid you down on his bed, and sat down beside you.


"Yes darling?"

"Should I call Papyrus and ask him to bring my pyjamas?"

"It's up to you, darling~" Mettaton purred, gently stroking the side of your face. You slowly sat up, and went to retrieve your phone from the bathroom. Once you got there, you called Papyrus. He picked up on the 2nd ring.

"HELLO, HUMAN! ME AND SANS WERE WATCHING YOU ON TV AND YOU WERE AMAZING!" He yelled through the phone, causing you to wince and pull the phone a few inches away from your ear.

"Aww, thanks Papy! You have the spare key to my house, right?"

"I DO, WHY?"

"Would you be able to bring some of my pyjamas to the resort? I'm staying with Mettaton tonight."

"OF COURSE, HUMAN!" he replied, enthusiastically. You heard snow crunching, followed by the sound of a lock being turned, and a door opening and closing. A few seconds of silence passed, before you heard the sound of a drawer opening, followed by a gasp.

"4th drawer down." You said, assuming he'd accidentally opened your underwear drawer.


There was the sound of a drawer closing, and another opening, then shuffling, and finally another drawer closing. There was an awkward silence, before Papyrus finally spoke again.


"Ok, thanks Papy! We're on the top floor by the way!"


"See ya!"

And with that, the call ended. You walked back into the bedroom, and told Mettaton that Papyrus would be here in about 20 minutes. 

~~~~~~20 minute time skip~~~~~~

You and Mettaton were snuggled up together, watching a movie, when Papyrus entered the penthouse.

"HUMAN! I BROUGHT YOUR PYJAMAS!" he announced, handing you the neatly-folded clothes. You thanked him, and took them. Papyrus looked at you and Mettaton, before grinning widely.

"OH RIGHT! I NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO TELL YOU! CONGRATULATIONS!" he paused for a moment, before continuing, "JUST THE THOUGHT THAT MY BEST FRIEND IS ACTUALLY DATING METTATON! WOWIE!" Papyrus seemed very happy for you. You and Mettaton both thanked Papyrus, and then exchanged goodbyes with him, before he left to go back to Snowdin.

Once Papyrus left, you took the pyjamas he had given you, and went to the bathroom. While getting changed, you were struggling to take off your dress. It had a zip on the back, which you somehow managed to zip up when you put it on, but for some reason you could no longer reach it. Mettaton probably noticed how long you were taking, so he knocked on the door.

"Darling? Are you alright in there?" he asked through the door.

"Yeah, I just can't reach the zip on my dress."

As you said this, he opened the door and came in. He walked behind you, slowly unzipping your dress. You blushed a deep crimson, causing him to smirk. He looked at the reflections of the 2 of you in the mirror, quickly noticing why you were blushing: the dress was strapless, so you weren't wearing a bra under it. Mettaton's smirk grew, and he subtly licked his lips, but you noticed a faint hint of red dusting his cheeks. You slowly bent down and picked up your bra off the pile of clothes from earlier, and put it on, struggling to hook the back.

"Need some help, darling~?" he purred. You nodded, allowing him to do it for you. You then picked up the first item of clothing Papyrus had brought for you, soon realising it was the only item of clothing he had gotten you. You face-palmed, Papyrus had forgotten to bring you your pyjama top, and had only brought you a pair of fluffy (F/C) pyjama bottoms. At least they matched your bra. You put them on, and walked back into the bedroom, getting into Mettaton's bed.

"Goodnight, darling~" he cooed. Mettaton planted a gentle kiss on your forehead, and you snuggled into his chest, falling asleep in his arms.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is definitely the longest chapter so far, 740 words! Let me know what you think in the comments (if you want to, of course), and remember, stay fabulous darlings!

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