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**Just imagine how you imagine Satsuki with those eyes**

As I waited for the other to speak, I sat in front of Yoi apprehensively.

"I have no issue with you letting them know of me. However, how will you tell them without revealing your reincarnation?" He said. I had considered this myself, but it was tricky to put it into perspective. For me to hide my reincarnation, I'd have to mix in lies. I didn't want to lie.

"Can you help me?" I asked timidly.

Yoi considered my request. "Of course, although, I do not know whether my help will ease their suspicions."


"I know you have noticed, but you hide away too much for anyone to not be weary."

Of course they would be, I didn't even need to ask who was suspicious of me. Nearly everyone I know should be. "How would you help?" I shook my leg as my uncertainty grew.

"I can manifest myself through you, such as how I would take control over your body and mind, and tell them that I am training you. I am the only one capable of training you to this degree anyways."

"... That would only make them more suspicious."

"I cannot do anything else to help."

"You could-" I started, but immediatly decided to hold my words. I wanted Yoi to help me make up an excuse, but now that Yoi mentioned his own idea, it was more fitting in regards to honesty. I was the one who wanted to build trust to begin with, and making excuses would do anything but. "What will you say?"

"That I am training you, and then answer any questions accordingly."

I sighed deeply. "How will you explain what you are?"

"You do not need to worry about that."

I looked at Yoi for a moment as the nervousness caught up to me. "You're okay with this?"

"I wouldn't have agreed if I were not."
It was a few days after my talk with Yoi that Minato sent over a notice to Father informing him that he would like to observe my training. It came at the perfect apportunity where Itachi would be present along with Father and Minato, as well as Kakashi.

My heart thudded harshly as the hour came. I took refuge sitting behind Itachi's back on the porch as Minato and Father stood off to the side in the backyard. Kakashi himself waited patiently for me to come forward.

I tapped Itachi on his shoulder for his attention. I almost changed my mind when I looked into his eyes, but, I made him a promise. This would be the first step to fullfil it. [I need to explain something.] I signed with shaking hands.

Itachi's gaze turned surprised and expectant. "Explain what?"

[My powers.]

He gazed back to the rest and confirmed that they understood my intentions too. "Please do." He said reassuringly.

Yoi had explained that all I needed to do was to agree to give over my conciousness to him. If there was even a single doubt, he wouldn't be able to come forward. Just as I would need to do to enter my mindscape, I needed to meditate. I closed my eyes and focused on slowing my rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing. I loosened my muscles before turning to my thoughts. I repeated that it was fine over and over until I convinced myself that it was true, before allowing myself to trusts Yoi's capabilities.

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