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Itachi gazed at his brother through the glass wall. There were cuts and bruises on Satsuki's exposed skin, his cheeks were sunken, and he was so very frail. His closest person, the one he had come into this world with, could have so easily perished. It scared Itachi down to his very core and unlocked such a strong feeling of possessiveness he never thought he could hold. It made him realize how much he needed to grow. How much stronger he needed to be.

"I want to attend the academy."

His father watched him with a look of understanding. It was the day after Satsuki had been rescued but Itachi couldn't get rid of this wrong feeling. He needed to grow in order to protect as soon as possible. After having spent so much time learning the basics under his father, he knew the man had expectations for him, and so wouldn't hold up much of a fight if he were to push for it. Although there was a higher chance of his father denying him, knowing the circumstances, Itachi couldn't allow his father to refuse him on this.

"It's not the right time, Itachi," Fugaku stated. Itachi kept his eyes glued to the floor as any respectable clan heir would do in the presence of their would-be predecessor, but after hearing the answer he knew would be said, Itachi lifted his head to meet his father's eyes.

"There is no such thing as the right time. At least, not in this case." He said softly. There was no need for him to raise his voice or harden it with his hidden determination. With his first act of defiance, his father could tell he had already made the decision to go to the academy as soon as possible. "I am more than qualified for the academy, father."

His father sighed and closed his eyes to take a moment to think. "You understand what would happen if you go to the academy now, don't you?" Itachi clenched his fists at the words. His father took note and continued, "You're more than aware of how prodigious you are. If you were to show them your talents, you'd be pushed for early graduation and the elders are going to be more than happy to comply... You'll be sent to fight in a war if it doesn't end by the end of the year."

Yes, Itachi knew better than anyone of what lied in front of him. He understood that this was the sole reason his father had held back in submitting him to the system as of yet. Fugaku had taken him to see the results of the war with his own eyes after all; The merciless slaughter, the lack of morals when dealing with the enemies, the overwhelming stench of death. No matter how strict his father was on him, Itachi knew Fugaku cared about him as any other father would of their child and wanted Itachi to avoid participating as much as possible.

"If I'm unable to overcome such obstacles, I have no right to be a shinobi," Itachi says as he lowers his gaze once again.

Fugaku couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed to see how much of an old soul his four-year-old son was. Despite his pride which overflowed to have such a talented and intelligent heir, he was afraid to see his son lose his innocence at such a young age... More than he already lost, at least.

"You can wait until your five." He tries.

Itachi was quick to refute. "No. As soon as possible."

Fugaku knew that as long as he withheld his permission, Itachi would not be able to attend the academy, but he knew his son would find an alternative with how determined he was on the topic. The alternatives would be worse than this and so he acquiesced. "Alright. I'll apply you to begin the start of the new term."

Itachi's bowed in gratitude.

I'll protect him. No matter the cost.

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