The Dark And Underwater

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I was starting to become fond of the dark. It made me feel safe. Every time the door opened, bringing in the light, I knew I would be given another round of pain. No matter how many times it happened, pain doesn't seem to be something I could get used to.

It's been a long time that I've been stuck here. The ropes were long removed and let my wrists and ankles breathe. Hunger pains were intense but they were beginning to go numb, which I knew wasn't a good sign. With the regular beating sessions, I wondered how bruised I would look by the end of this. That woman - the so-called certified prodigy of Mist - I didn't understand why she was so persistent in having me answer her question. What did she want to achieve? Speaking of the devil, the door to the dark cavernous cell opened.

"Satsu-" It was a weak voice, she couldn't even finish saying my name, and yet I hadn't felt so relieved in my entire two lives from hearing it. I forced my body to face the doorway and squinted through my blurred vision to take her in. Rin's hair seemed to be thinner than before with dark bags under her dim eyes. There were bruises from what seemed to be self defense and she could barely stand on her own two feet as she leaned heavily on the guy that dragged her away the first time. I didn't bother to wonder if she was okay, I just wanted her back by my side.

The man pushed her into the cell and she fell hard onto the dirt floor. "What did you do to that kid? It's only been two days and he's already halfway to death." The man asked.

The woman behind him scoffed. "He won't die from this. He should feel lucky I haven't killed him yet."

"You sure?"

"Do you want to find out for yourself?" She threatened. The man put up his hands in surrender before they made to leave.

I wasn't aware that I was holding my breath until the door was closed again. "Sats-" Rin tried to speak again but a cough racked her throat. My last round with the woman couldn't have been long ago as I still felt the bruise no doubt permeating my ribs as I made my way next to Rin. She must have wanted that as well, as the moment I laid next to her, she put her hands around my waist and hugged me as close as possible. I didn't dare to show any of the pain the gesture caused. I didn't want her to let go.

"I'm so sorry," She whispered, it was almost soundless. "First Obito, now you... Please, let me at least protect you."

The fear and the pain numbed with her words. And for the first time that I've been stuck here, I was able to forget about everything as I fell into deep sleep.




Athen's funeral was a private one. Hundreds wanted to come and pay their respects, but Dad and Mom weren't ready to be crowded and so it was just our most immediate family.

Mom only cried, and the times she didn't, she had exhausted herself to sleep.

Dad was the opposite. He seemed more vigor in doing anything at all to keep himself distracted.

And me. I didn't do anything. I didn't try to distract myself or cry. I just was. I drifted through the days mindlessly. I was only present at the funeral because they had it in our home, his casket placed in the center of the living room with him lying peacefully within. He looked the same as he always did, except he was far paler than his usual sporty tan. I hadn't gone to see the burial, however. I stayed home in the same spot on the couch that had given me a full view of the casket, maroon in color as that had been his favorite shade.

Without much thought, I got up and headed upstairs to my bedroom. It was the same. Everything was still the same despite how my life completely turned upside down. I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

There was still school tomorrow, so do I go? I haven't eaten breakfast, so do I eat? I haven't showered since two days ago, so do I go shower now? - Yes, that seemed to make sense. I had never gone without showering before.

I went to the bathroom and stripped down before stepping underneath the showerhead. I felt the cold water send shivers down my spine and raised goosebumps on every inch of my skin. The cold didn't register though. I was still so lost.

When I opened my eyes, it took me a moment to realize that I was no longer in front of the white tiles making up the shower walls. Instead, there was blue everywhere. I pinched my eyes shut involuntarily when they stung from the water before I realized everything was hurting more than it usually did.

When I took in a sharp breath, it all became clear to me.

My arms and legs flailed in desperation as I couldn't breathe and the water that I inhaled burned my head and lungs. I flailed and flailed and heard the rumble of my voice trying to call for help, trapped in the bubbles. Then I just stopped. My body gave up before my mind could and all I could do was slowly descend lower into the depth of the water.

The surface seemed so close with the sun shining through from above, and as the seconds passed, my eyes closed again.

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