Blue Eyes

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Itachi never took the initiative when it came to bonding. He would stay quiet and read a book as he blended into the background, while I was the one that kick-started any sort of game or any kind of conversation. My recent memory of this was our third birthday party, which was only last month. Itachi had holed himself up in our room as more and more guests started to crowd our usually docile home. On a regular day Mother would be doing chores, Father out for work, then me and Itachi doing our own things in our room: Itachi would read and I would move from one thing to another to clear my boredom before ultimately making Itachi play with me.

Our third birthday party brought in more guests than our last two and the house was filled with the buzz of people talking amongst themselves. I remember on that day, after mother dressed us up a bit more formally than the daily wear, I peeked out of my bedroom door. The second floor halls were clear but I knew downstairs would be very different. "'Tachi," I whispered back to him. I could say his full name just fine, but I was fond of the abbreviation. "Downstairs?" I asked him. My real intention was to see who our guests were and even when only three, Itachi understood my underlying meaning.

Itachi didn't respond at first. I peered back to see him pondering my suggestion as he kept his eyes on his book. "Mother said to wait." He reminded me simply. Right, Mother did say she'll come to get us later.

I had pouted and whined, "How long?"

Itachi shrugged and I sighed dejectedly. That got Itachi's attention and he finally looked up at me. He frowned in thought for a moment before he said, "We could peek." He seemed relieved when a wide smile crossed my cheeks.

I took the lead through the halls to the stairs and Itachi followed silently behind me. We crouched by the landing and looked beyond the railing to the people crowded below. My eyes sparkled with excitement and nervousness because I had known I would be the center of their attention soon with Itachi. It was our birthday party after all.

"Do you know any?" I asked him curiously. I already saw a few familiar faces, but I wanted to know who Itachi remembered.

He roamed his eyes over the people and pointed down. "Mother," He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyone else?"

He pointed to the opposite side of the room, "Obaasan."

The old lady reminded me of the delicious dangos which she sold near the entrance of the Uchiha district and I started to crave. However, my attention was taken by a new pair that stood out amongst the heads of black hair and dark clothing. Blond hair shined like the sun and lively blue eyes observed our home and the people that were there. Besides him was the head of a long, bright, red-haired woman, who smiled widely and waved when she finally caught sight of the person she was looking for. "Mikoto!" She exclaimed my mother's name.

Her loud voice garnered everyone's attention and I marveled at how she was able to ignore the stares. The blond man besides her grinned awkwardly at the stoic gazes around him before he subtly bowed in apology for the woman. It made me chuckle. Itachi gave me a curious look, but like me, he was entirely interested in the unusual pair.

Mother greeted the red-haired woman and led them to a more secure room deeper in the house. Thinking about it now, she must have done it so the red-haired woman didn't cause a scene amongst the reserved Uchihas.

As they walked towards the back room, my eyes were suddenly staring directly into the blue eyes of the blond man. He held my gaze for a few short seconds before he smiled and turned away first, following the two women into the back room. I was left in confusion, with the thought of 'beautiful' going through my mind. For some reason, those blue eyes took over my thoughts for some days afterwards. They just wouldn't leave my mind and dreams, before one day, I remembered why I was so focused on them.

Itachi wasn't the first brother I had. The only one right now, but not the first. My first brother had been older than me too, by two years instead of a few minutes.

And he, my brother Athen, the only person I had truly loved back then, had the bluest of eyes.

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