Love Only Truly

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Naruto jumped onto Obito's back with a loud exclamation of victory. "I caught you!"

Obito put down the paper's he was organizing and bent his back to hold the weight of the kid before turning to look at Naruto with a pout. "I wasn't even paying attention!"

"Too bad! Dad said you always have to pay attention no matter what!"

"Damn brat!" Obito said half heartedly before flipping Naruto onto the couch. The fits of giggles and Obito's evil laughter passed through the walls and to where Kakashi was overlooking a mission scroll at the dining table. As jounin, Kakashi was constantly taking missions outside of the village, though he did avoid the long term ones. He didn't feel comfortable staying away from the village when no one knew who was behind the Kyuubi attack. If there was to be anything else, he didn't want to be too far way to help.

As a scout for the Anbu, Kakashi knew they've been actively searching for any traces they could find. The most leading clues they have were the flesh the Anbu captain had been able to rip off during the day of the attack, and Obito himself. The cellular study of the piece of flesh matched with what made up Obito's right side. Kakashi's ninken and the Inuzuka tracking canines were able to trace the scent of the flesh only a few miles outside of Konoha. They even went back to Mountain's Graveyard, but the fire that raged there when Obito was rescued masked any smell and evidence completely. Even the large statue he had seen disappeared without a trace in the leftover ashes. The Hyuuga's Byakugan had proven minimum Chakra activity in the flesh that still continued even when ripped from the living source. They concluded that whatever it was, it wasn't completely human.

Obito barged into the dining room as he carried Naruto by a leg and hung the exhausted boy upside down. Kakashi gave them a dead look. "What?" Obito said innocently before placing Naruto in his seat carefully.

"Obito-nii's the worst tickle monster." Naruto groaned.

"You mean the best." Obito smirked down at him.

"No! The worst!"

Kakashi sighed and continued to look over the reports as Obito went over to the kitchen to bring a grumbling Naruto his breakfast. It had become routine for either one of Team Minato to help raise Naruto. Minato, for all that he tried to give his son time, was drowned in foreign and village matters. The Uchiha clan as a whole was a matter that took up priority as more and more suspicion and rumors spread. The segregation was getting worse, but hopefully, with the suggestion to bring more Uchiha children to the village public playgrounds and slowly expanding further into the main market with the help of welcoming hands, they can subvert some of the negativity.

It was also part of Kakashi's responsibility, as with having personal relations with the Uchiha, that he finds and stops the source of the rumors. "Do you have training with Satsuki today?" Obito asked once he placed his and Kakashi's breakfast in front of them.

Kakashi eyed the plate, egg sandwich and black coffee, as he mulled over the question. "Not today. There's an Anbu conference I need to attend." He said.

Obito hummed and bit into his food. Naruto sat quietly as he ate, one of the only times he wasn't rambunctious, and even though he listened to them, Kakashi knew he barely understood anything. "I promised Rin I'd go get a physical today since she said she was the one doing it." Obito said.

"Good. You already skipped your last one." Kakashi said.

"Eh?! You already finished?!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed.

Obito laughed even though it wasn't the first time Naruto reacted that way to Kakashi's quirk. "Good luck kid. Even I didn't see Kakashi's face yet." He didn't notice Kakashi pause for a moment, before he continued on his work.

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