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The day of our fourth birthday, Itachi and I weren't kept away in our rooms as before. We were standing at the entrance and greeted guests as they came in. Father had yet to come home from the Uchiha Police Force headquarters since the day before, so mother took up the position of making small talk with the people.

As guests came in, the only greeting I gave was a bow, and that was only possible because Mother pushed me down gently as she bowed herself. All of the guests gave me a glance that lasted longer than necessary and it wasn't hard to guess why.

Last year, almost a hundred guests had been present, but now I can clearly see that there were barely half of them this time around. Some had bandages peeking from their sleeves and others walked around with a crutch or a limp, still very much dignified despite their injuries. Those who weren't injured were either retired housewives and children. If any of them were in a state of depression from their fight in the war or its results, they hid it perfectly.

"Happy birthday Itachi, Satsuki!" This was a familiar face, one I and Itachi became friends with during our third birthday - Uchiha Shisui.

It was odd, for Itachi mostly, to have such a friend. An older boy as he was, by a good three years at most, he was hyper than what you'd expect from an Uchiha and didn't seem to show any signs of developing the arrogance that came with being one. All I knew, as a first friend to my brother, a best friend even, his influence will be strong on Itachi and that is relieving. Shisui is good for him.

I wasn't going to think about how Itachi was supposed to meet the boy until he was five.

Itachi was the only one to show any form of delight at his enthusiastic greeting and presence, causing Shisui to look at me with worried eyes. It wasn't surprising that he expected me to be as enthusiastic as him. I had been the one to first approach him to become friends after all. I still am, but I didn't feel the joy I had for the first time.

Looking at him now, with my foreknowledge of his fate, being his friend was something I didn't want to do. He was going to kill himself, embroiled in the conspiracy the Uchiha will bring to its worse.

"Satsuki?" He called me hesitantly. When I didn't reply he grew more panic with worry.

Mother smiled a little somberly and put a hand on his shoulder as she explained, "I'm sorry Shisui. Satsuki is going through a very troubling time right now, but I know he is very glad to see you."

No, I'm not. I wish I was. He's a good kid.

Shisui was smart, being one of the Uchiha's prodigies and an experienced genin. He looked at me closer and caught the telltale signs of some kind of clue from the way his worry disappeared. Personally, I never looked at myself in a mirror. Never had the thought or will to do so.

Shisui still seemed hesitant but the smile he had when he came in was back, although not as vibrant. When he went into the house I thought he would be the last of the guests, but unexpectedly, it was someone who I hadn't thought of for a while. I should've been more aware of this man as he was the one to have indirectly triggered my memories. I didn't know whether to hate him or thank him for making me remember sooner than later. If he was a trigger, there could've been many others besides him. Maybe the word baking would've forced me to.

"Minato-san, thank you for coming." Mother greeted.

"Thank you for inviting me." He smiled at Mother as he spoke and his eyes trailed to me. Of course, if Kushina was told about me, then he would know by nature of being Kushina's most trusted. Mother wouldn't be opposed. Minato could be considered experienced in dealing with troubled children. After all, he does deal with Kakashi and succeeds some in helping him, more than anyone else could have. But... I was still very different from Kakashi's situation. There was no reason, to them at least, for me to act this way. "I'm sorry Kushina-chan couldn't come today." Minato apologized.

"No, it's alright. I know how busy everyone is at this time." Mother shook her head.

"Is Fugaku-san here?"

"No, he's still at work at the headquarters."

Minato pursed his lips, something akin to grief appeared through his eyes. "I hope it doesn't last too long."

Mother sighed and put a hand on my head. I glanced to her other side where Itachi seemed to know why they were so solemn about Father's work. I could only guess from him being the Head of the clan and Uchiha police force. I would later learn that a part of his job was to record the names of the deceased and seal their eyes so it was safe from being stolen, before he was to send someone to inform the direct family of the victim.

No, not a victim. I should do well to make myself aware that each shinobi that fought on the field were doing it to protect what is most precious to them. They were heroes all in their own right.

After a while, I wondered why I wanted to see them as heroes. Another look at Itachi was when I figured out the answer. It was him:

Itachi, an unsung hero. A definite shinobi.

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