Konoha Academy

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I finally reached that point in my life where I enrolled into Konoha's Academy. The sign up was easier than I expected and the paper test was child's play after so many years of my mother personally tutoring me. The physical exam, however, was going to be a different story.

The examiner was an older teacher with sharp, intimidating eyes. Her default seemed to be to glare at anyone who faced her attention. Those eyes drilled into me as I stood before her in the spacious exam room. Shisui stood just a little behind to the left of her and grinned at me with his usual carefree attitude while I sweated buckets of nerves. "My name is Shizu and you may address me as Sensei." The examiner said. Her voice carried no room for questions. "I have already learned the sign language you use to communicate and understand your current situation. Though you're abilities are commendable and unique, it will be in your favor to learn the basics of what the academy teaches about shinobi combat, that includes ninjutsu."

I took in a deep breath and nodded. Although I was able to barely hold my own against a newly enrolled academy student, that being Sasuke, it still spelled good news for me. People tend to forget that Sasuke was a prodigy of his own when compared to Itachi. He was personally trained by the leader of the Uchiha Clan and the heir. It was also recently that I discovered that the new tutor Father found for him was none other than the youngest of our clan elders, Uchiha Hoozuki, a man who had been written into the bingo books as a high A to lower S tier threat during his prime in the Third Shinobi War. Even as a short, hot tempered 6 year old, Sasuke had no shortage of prestige behind him.

Shizu-sensei looked down at my profile before promptly moving forward with the exam, "Since ninjutsu isn't possible, we'll substitute with what you're currently capable of. How far does you're control of Earth go?"

[I can control Earth's crust and rocks to about one-eight of a kilometer around me.]

"Good. In that sac behind you are rocks and dirt. Use that to create a clone capable of fighting."

I did as told and controlled it so a near perfect replica of myself stood before me. My chakra spread though its atoms and I could feel the clone as though it were another of my limbs. I moved my body like that of a puppet master and made it so the clone followed my body's command. Shizu didn't show a reaction but she bared her thoughts ruthlessly; "I'll give you a pass for making a clone capable of 'fighting', but it would never be effective in real combat if you have to use you're main body as a guide. Henges are able to freely move about with just a psychological cue, so this wouldn't be compatible as a replacement for the jutsu."

Although her critic was harsh, it wasn't anything new. I was already told by Kakashi that basic ninjutsu wouldn't work out with how large my yin chakra was. All I had was the ability to control the four elements, though the potential it had was tremendous. It depended on versatility and my own will to someday reach it and I already had plans about my bending that I wanted to try.

Shizu-sensei leaned back in her wooden chair and eased up the glare in her eyes. "Then again, this is just a formality to be admitted into the academy. Though we will try to see which jutsu's you'd be able to learn, for now, the promise you show is enough to pass you." With that, my name was now on the academy registrar.

Shisui, with his stupid grin, led us out into the courtyard where many other children met up with their family. Sasuke swung on the single swing where he waited for us with Mother. He stared apprehensively when we approached, but Mother could tell by my calm expression that everything went well. I gave Sasuke a thumbs up and he sighed in relief. "What year did they put you in?" He asked.

"They'll let us know at the entrance ceremony. For now, let's go to Akimichi barbecue to celebrate the two of you passing!" Shisui interjected. He was far more excitable than he had been in recent weeks.

"Will nii-san meet us there?" Sasuke grouched.

Shisui scratched his head unsure. "He mentioned that he'll try but he gave no guarantee."

"Then what's the point? We might as well eat at home."

"Oh come on! Why does Itachi being or not being there decide if we should go or not? Aren't I an obligatory big brother at this point?!"

Sasuke scoffed and crossed his arms. "You're nothing like nii-san."

As Shisui feigned heartache, I patted Sasuke's shoulder and signed, [Then, would you still say no if I asked to go?] It was more a tease than insecurity, though it was true that Sasuke didn't hold as much care for my opinions than he did Itachi's. Sasuke seemed to struggle with his thoughts before he slumped his shoulders and agreed. Mother chuckled at the antics and congratulated me with a kiss and a hug.

Unlike the few times before where I was conscious of the many stares and whispers about me, it was easy to ignore them now as we made our way to the main market street. Apprehension and doubts would remain no matter what the situation may be. A son of the Uchiha Clan Head who was five years late to enroll into the academy - a survivor of war with mysterious abilities - was prime gossip for the villagers and other shinobi family and clans.

Mother stopped to greet an acquaintance, a Nara given the insignia on her sleeve, as the rest of us went on and entered the packed barbecue steakhouse. The Akimichi owner and the many waiters rushed about to handle the never ending orders of customers, but even as busy as they were, they greeted us with a sincere smile. We were lead more towards the private rooms in the back that were meant for reservations. "It's our hospitality to the Uchiha in thanks for the blacksmith contracts you signed with us. My daughter sleeps with her sword at this point!" The Akimichi owner exclaimed loud enough for his wife to hear over the loud chatter of the customers and sizzling meat in the kitchen.

She laughed heartily, "That she does alright!"

From the many Uchiha meetings I attended, I learned that part of the Akimichi descended from Samurai. Many of them still fought with the way of the sword and had many deals with blacksmiths all across the country. Even then, the Akimichi had stated that their best sword collections all came from the Uchiha Clan from years before Konohagakure existed. Though I could never tell the difference, Mother had taught me that Uchiha blacksmiths had been revered since a few hundred years before the Warring States Period, all evidenced by ancient records she protected within the Uchiha shrines. It was mainly due to the fact that Uchiha fire was reinforced by their yin and yang chakra that was perfected over centuries. "Uchiha riches stemmed from our trade in black smithing, but our weapons were so refined that high demands turned into threats. By the time the Warring States Period began, we nearly stopped all trade in that field in favor of survival. It was of the mind that if the Uchiha monopolized the best weaponry, we'd have an advantage." Mother explained.

Aside from weaponry, Uchiha pottery and cutleries started to grow in demand now that the Akimichi made use of them in their various restaurants. They were more durable and long lasting but somewhat expensive with respect to Uchiha status. The finer pieces were sets only someone like the Hokage, clan heads, and Daimyo could afford.

Itachi didn't arrive in the end and Sasuke's mood failed to improve. I'm sure he was also upset that Father didn't attend. Unlike before from my memories where Fugaku outright dismissed Sasuke's enrollment into the academy, Father had good reason to not attend this one. It was partly why Itachi wasn't present as well.

Senju Tsunade had returned to Konoha, and with that, it was about time to deal with Obito's seal.

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