Which Reality

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I remembered another lifetime. It's memories are all I could think of as I stared out into the backyard. There were flowers that bloomed in dark colors in contrast to vibrant green leaves. There were fruits being grown like the peaches and tomatoes in small little patches between the flowers.

"Satsuki?" I turned back to the soft voice of my Mother who stood by the dividers leading into the living room. Her smile was warm but her eyes betrayed her worry. I couldn't blame her. One of her only two sons hadn't spoken a word in the last few weeks and barely ate a mouthful of food each day. "I have a guest coming over for lunch. Do you remember Kushina-chan from last week, the one with the bright, beautiful red hair?" She asked.

I stared at her blankly as she continued to talk about a woman who I knew would be dead soon. When I looked at Mother herself, the image of a bloodied corpse flashed every time. I didn't want to be close to her. I didn't want to love her.

Or will I die with her? Would Itachi kill me like the rest of them?

But wouldn't that be what I needed? If I died to come to this world, didn't I just need to die again to return? But what if it's not my world I go back to? What if this is my last chance at reincarnation?

"-tsuki? Satsuki!" I jolted from my rapid thoughts and realized my eyes had strayed away from Mother. Her eyes watered from the panic of losing me for a moment.

Somewhere near the back of my mind I felt guilty. Mother was by nature a quiet and calm person. To have her raise her voice was enough to tell me how serious my situation was. I could almost hear the gears in her mind turning, trying to think of some kind of solution that could potentially help me. Less than a month ago I was a normal toddler who played with their brother, cried to their mother, and was excited to see their father. I was a happy child, an odd personality among the Uchiha's with their strict and uptight personalities. They didn't even know where to begin helping me.

Mother carried me back to my room when I showed no signs of moving away from my seat on the porch. Konoha's weather was nice; warm, but not too hot, and chilly breezes that brought comfort. The porch was perfect to experience such a thing.

My mind was always in motion. Thinking, feeling, experiencing everything that I couldn't doubt was fake. I was lost. The only humorous thought I could think of:

I never thought I was so obsessed with Naruto.

Mother settled me on my bed and kissed my cheek. "I'll be back to get you for lunch." She said before leaving. She waited by the door for a moment. Perhaps she waited to see if I would tell her to come back like the many times I would cry about wanting her to hug me to sleep. Maybe I should've, but she had already closed the door behind her, leaving me alone in this room that was mine... Wholly unfamiliar.

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