Peers and Pressure

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A looming pressure weighed down on my shoulders. The eyes of a dozen or so students were much more nerve racking then I expected. I refrained from running out of the room with great effort and instead put my attention to the chalk board. I wrote my name big and clear with a simple message underneath it, "Uchiha Satsuki. I hope to get along with all of you."

My new homeroom teacher clapped her hands and effectively stopped the classroom's quiet chatter. She spoke rather kindly to me, "You can find an empty seat and take out your notebook. I'll do a review today so you know what to expect. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any of your classmates."

I bowed to her in gratitude before moving towards the middle of the class. The fourth row on the right had the least amount of students as there was only one other student there, so it was easy to find a good seat with a clear view of the board. The classmate was a girl three spaces to my left. She openly stared at me with big dark eyes and I met her gaze with a nervous greeting. It wasn't only her as anytime I turned my head I would meet someone's eye and greet them with a nod. The homeroom teacher started her review as she promised and went over the fundamentals of what they'll learn as new fourth year students. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, battle theory, chakra theory, linguistics, mathematics. Practical classes were a given to train with shuriken and kunai, spars to build up battle awareness, and routine evaluations to assess their experience curve. Everything was familiar to me already thanks to my mother and Kakashi.

The girl in my row suddenly moved closer to sit on the seat right besides me. She leaned in and spoke in a whisper, "Hey, do you really not know how to talk?"

I almost gawked at her for being so bold to ask such a question as the first words said between us. I stared back at her for a moment and tried to gather my thoughts before writing my answer on the corner of my notebook: 'I know how to talk, it's just difficult. It's more appropriate to say I can't talk.'

The girl furrowed her brows and scrunched her nose, "You write like an old man. Do you talk in your head like that too?"

I almost laughed at how ironic it was that she said that as I thought back to all my conversations with Yoi. I wrote out another answer, 'My mom taught me how to write like this so I'm used to it.'

"Already starting your first day misbehaving Satsuki, Kasuri?" The homeroom teacher suddenly called out with a warning in her voice.

I smiled in embarrassment as the girl, Kasuri, laughed lightly. We paid attention for the rest of the class but once lunch time came Kasuri, as well as many other of my classmates, crowded around me in interest. A flurry of questions passed over my head without a chance to answer. Kasuri pulled on my arm and said excitedly, "If it's difficult then that means there are some things you can say, right? Can you try it now?"

I was getting a bit uncomfortable with the invasive questions. It made me realize how my family never asked such questions, how everyone else I grew up with treated me like any other around them. Naruto, despite his own childishness and his struggle to learn how to communicate with me, never once questioned my disability. However, I was suddenly met with the fact that I was indeed different from the rest. It wouldn't have been such an oddity in my old world, but here, being mute for no apparent reason was practically unheard of. Rin had explained once in the time we spent together in the hospital that muteness was a result of trauma in a shinobi.

I quickly wrote in my notebook, 'I'm sorry, I wish to know each other more too but my brother is waiting for me.'

"Aww!! You're meeting Sasuke-Kun!" One of the girls exclaimed loudly. There was a strange look of excitement on her face that she shared with the rest of the girls.

"Hurry, you should go now!"

I was a bit taken aback by their sudden change in attitude but decided not to look the gift horse in the mouth. I tried not to rush outside but did quicken my steps to meet Sasuke faster. It was easy to spot him under the tree with the swing that Naruto occupied. They spotted me as soon as I noticed them and Naruto waved to me enthusiastically. "How was it Satsu-nii, did you make any friends yet!" He asked expectantly.

[Maybe.] I gestured as I sat besides Sasuke on the soft grass. My classmates were indeed very open and friendly despite their unreserved behavior.

"If anyone says anything that bothers you, you can tell me." Sasuke huffed as he opened his bento box.

I smiled uncontrollably and pinched Sasuke's cheek, which he swatted away furiously. [I'll have nothing to worry about now.] I signed sincerely.

Naruto took his place in front of me and grabbed the bento he had left besides Sasuke. "You can tell me too! I'm the big boss around here," he said proudly.

"No you're not idiot." Sasuke grouched.

"I am, datte'bayo! I got my academy council and we can do anything!"

"More like a group of wannabes,"

[Academy Council?] I questioned.

"Yeah! I got Shika-Chan and Choji to join! I'm gonna recruit more you bet!" Naruto exclaimed.

"He's trying to make up his own Konoha Council for some reason. Shikamaru's dad's the Jounin Commander and Choji's dad used to be his teammate so he got them roped in first. Shikamaru's too lazy and Choji's too shy to say no to him and deal with his annoying attitude." Sasuke kindly explained, all too nonplussed.

Naruto willfully ignored the last part. "I'm not making up anything. We're gonna be the real thing for sure! Sasuke keeps acting embarrassed but I know he's happy I asked him to be my right hand man."

Sasuke scoffed hard and vehemently denied it, but his red face wasn't fooling anyone.

I enjoyed their familiar company and was regretful when I had to leave them. The fourth year classroom was just as lively as before and I took what would be my new designated seat for the upcoming months. Kasuri was ready to come and talk when the classroom door slammed opened. With a severe frown and harsh lines betraying his age, the teacher's presence was enough to hush the class. He stood there behind the podium and eyed each of us. He gaze stopped on me when he spoke, "You're all almost midway through your academy years. A few of you may be lucky enough to graduate even earlier... Maybe even push past all protocols for whatever favoritism they carry. Don't assume you'll be taken lightly just because you're children." He lined his papers harshly against the podium and the dull thuds echoed in the tense silence he created.

It was clear as day to see what he targeted. I became a bit overwhelmed and swallowed dryly but kept my eyes up and center. There were many waves to come and this was just the first tide compared to the tsunami behind it.

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