First Kill

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**Closest I could Find to Satsuki's current form. Eyes are goals.

It was like watching a movie. Like I was just a third party viewing the events all play out. For a second, I wondered if this was an episode of Naruto, with the headbands and triangular knives held firmly in their grips which reminded me of so... But I digress. Nothing was animated and all eyes stared back at me. I was unaware of what was happening to myself or what at all was happening around me. I felt so unattached. Just numb to any kind of sense, but then I could feel a movement from my side and my arm lifted outwards in quick motion without my notice, and with it followed a thin strip of water that shot towards the woman my palm pointed to.

The woman dodged, but not before it cut a rip into her dark trousers. She stumbled as her other leg was encased in some red substance. In a shocked daze, she stared where the water pierced the ground before quickly retreating into the trees. But there was a girl still laying in the dirt, staring up at me with her mouth agape. She was injured, bleeding and bruised, and there was a thin glow of red which was slowly fading from around her figure. I stared at her, trying to place the familiar face to a name. The purple markings were the biggest giveaway to Nohara Rin. An unnecessary catalyst for the events in the future.

My future.

The realization cleared the fog in my mind and I remembered the events of the last few days. Imprisoned, beaten for no suspecting reasons. That woman, my torturer. All I could think of at the point was that woman, the pain she caused, and I wanted her to pay. The bloodlust was unfamiliar.

It was a blur from then on. I moved without notice and shot downwards. The wind whistled as I rushed to the woman. I didn't know how I found her but I did. She ran on top of the trees with every ounce of strength she could find in her only moveable leg and gasped when she saw I was catching up to her effortlessly. She shot forward to run faster but it changed nothing.

My arm moved forward again, and the water still keeping me afloat midair shot out in another burst. The woman dodged again but she was too slow, either from shock or surprise, and the water pierced her shoulder and she tumbled down. Rolling to a stop, she faced me in a crouch and dug into her pouches. In a blink of an eye, kunai came showering down above me.

My arms circled and there was the wisp of spinning water encasing me before blocking all the kunai. The metal daggers were loud as they clattered to the ground. The woman clicked her tongue and turned in an attempt to run again but with another precise movement of my arm, the earth shot up and blocked her way. She stood facing the earth wall before turning to me slowly. Her eyes were fearful, curious... Resigned.

"What are you?" It was the last question left unanswered.

I couldn't perceive what she had said at the moment anyway. My hand that had shot up to create the wall was kept in place as I studied her. I just wanted to hurt her.

My arm finally curled in toward me and down came the wall with the motion, burying the woman underneath. For another moment, I just stared at the fallen wall before I was once again taken deep into unconsciousness.

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