Fault and Fear

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I folded my arms across my chest and hunched up shoulders to try and hide from some of the prying eyes I could feel glaring onto me. I gazed around the field cautiously and sure enough, I found some openly staring at me with curiosity and fascination, from the small kids to the parents. 'War hostage survivor' passed through their lips and I wish I knew how that news spread amongst the village.

Mother knowingly put a hand around my shoulder and rubbed her thumb on my neck in an attempt to comfort me. I looked up at her and gave her a half-hearted smile before turning back to where Itachi stood between two unknown silhouettes in the front row of the crowd of new academy hopefuls. It was the day Itachi began the academy, and standing in the large auditorium with about a hundred enrollees and there guardians/family, it was a new experience that I would have liked to avoid. Itachi received as much attention for the fact that he was the youngest in history to join the academy at the age of four. I could catch Itachi's name in almost all of the whispers and tried to ignore it when my name was brought up.

It became quiet when a proctor from the academy called for everyone's attention. He spoke for a few short seconds to announce the arrival of the Hokage. Loud claps started to sound but everyone kept their mouths shut, even the children as they were too amazed to see the leader of the village so up close. The Hokage stood proudly at center stage and took a moment to observe the new academy students. "The threat of the third shinobi war has dwindled greatly in the last few months. War is what rushes the development of our future generation, and that also takes away their chances of childhood. Now, I am the happiest to say, for the first time in the last few years, we have finally reached the first generation unpressured by the threat of the war. We have hope, that such will continue for the generation afterward and then the next. We have hope, that all of you children will have the safety of time to grow into your strength and overcome your weaknesses in your time in the academy, and when you become a true shinobi after graduation..."

There was something about the Hokage's voice that drew me in. Maybe it was the wisdom you knew he had or the fact that he had this aura that seemed to state that every word he said was more important than whatever the hell you might think is valuable. He was admirable, no doubt. Maybe it was his character that made Itachi so loyal to Konoha in the first place.

However, he was not perfect. As the war hawk, Danzo, once said, he was too soft-hearted as a military leader. No matter how strong he might be, without strict authority there would be cracks in each corner. And the problem with Danzo was that he was too strict and twisted in the head. Orochimaru... Strong, but too greedy and with a morality best left untouched.

Minato, hopefully, understood these faulty points and worked to improve himself by this. He's kind-hearted and has the authoritative aura around him that made everyone else want to follow him in his steps. He lived too short in his Hokage era for me to really understand more of him, but I had good expectations.

And Itachi, he's smart, strong, and knows how to do an excellent job, but he still needs his experience. He needed to grow, but I wished he didn't grow so fast.

The speech ended sooner than expected and Itachi rushed over to us immediately before he was to be called to join the first class. Despite my disapproval, I gave Itachi a proud smile. Who wouldn't be when it was your own person making history. Being the youngest to ever join the academy, despite its short years of only being around during the end of the Nidaime's reign, was overtly significant. I doubt there would be many others who would join the academy at the age of four. That was way too young even by shinobi standards and it said a lot about their militaristic attitude that they still allowed it.

Itachi smiled back shyly and bowed to mother and father who offered their congratulations. I watched him stand at the end of the line of kids. He was a head shorter than the rest and received awkward and jealous stares by his peers. I frowned and pursed my lips in distaste, but I was comforted to know he would be able to handle it all.

When the children were all out of sight, I followed mother and father back towards the Uchiha Clan compound. Father stopped abruptly in the middle of his walk and addressed me, "Satsuki, come with me." His tone was serious enough to make me nervous and he led me down a different path. I follow him despite my racing heart and looked back to see mother unmoving from where she stood. She waved to me and smiled comfortingly before walking the official path home.

I bit down on my tongue to stop my thoughts from derailing, and after a ten-minute walk, I realized we were headed to the training grounds. I've never been there before, but with the way the ground was organized, it was an easy realization. I was confused, however. The Uchiha clan had their own private training grounds, so why were we here? What was the point of bringing me here of all people? We stopped at one of the grounds at the far end and entered the barren training field. There was only a large pond, maybe large enough to be a pool.

Father stood in the middle of the field and turned to where I uncomfortably fidget about as I tried not to show that I lost some of my breath during the short walk. His intimidating stare made it worse. "Do you remember what happened on the day of the rescue?" He suddenly asked.

I blinked in confusion before thinking back, but it felt as if something was blocking my memories. I could only remember the smidges of events with dozens of people standing around, but I couldn't tell who was who. I knew Father, Rin, and Kakashi were present at the scene. I shook my head after a moment of silence.

"Is that so?" Father's bland tone made my heart skip a beat as my fear grew to new levels. My breath was getting quicker and my eyes dilated. "You don't remember the woman?"


Father crosses his arm as he narrowed his eyes. "One of which who kidnapped you."

I swallowed as my mouth went dry when I remembered my abuser.

"What are you?"

Bile rose up my throat and I gagged. I put a hand over my mouth and my eye teared from the acid burning the back of my throat. Oh shit, oh shit. That wall that fell on her right in front of me looked as of it weighed two tons. It was outrageous to think I made it fall on her, but every sign in my mind told me that it was me.

"Then," My eyes widened when father disappeared from sight, only to reappear behind me. His hand grasped the back of my collar. I was too shocked to react. "Don't take this to heart my son, but we cannot waste time on something you can't remember. I'm going to have to force it out of you." And with a quick swipe of his arm, I found myself thrown into the pond.

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