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It was two weeks before I saw Rin again. She looked better than before without all the dirt and blood. Her expression was bright when she came to visit me at home - which I had finally been able to come back to - with a certain masked man, or boy right now. Unlike his older self, kakashi was still rigid and rule bearing, but you could see the signs of change with the slight slouch of his shoulders and his lone fisheye.

"I'm so happy to see you again, Satsuki-chan," Rin said enthusiastically as she took a seat opposite of me with Kakashi next to her around the dining table. Itachi was with father out training, so it was only mother accommodating us for now.

I nodded to her and smiled shyly, which made her own grow wider and showed off two rows of pearl-white teeth. "You've never met him before right," Rin points to Kakashi. I wanted to say I have, but a white lie would have to do, so I shook my head. "He's my teammate and one of the shinobi who helped rescue us."

I was taken aback that she mentioned the kidnapping so casually. Everyone had been tiptoeing around the subject ever since my impromptu psyche test during my second day home that resulted in me being newly diagnosed as depressed and with selective mutism. I had no idea how they came to that conclusion of me being depressed, as the questions they gave me were all general questions; "What did you think about today?" or "How do you feel now?" as I answered with shrugs and nods that shouldn't have been so conclusive, but the mutism thing was something no one could argue with.

Mother came back from the kitchen with two steaming cups of green tea for them and tasty biscuits as she said, "I'll let you three catch up. I have to attend a house meeting for an hour before I come back. If you're still hungry, I have some food ready-made in the fridge. Heat it up any time."

"I'm sorry to bother you Mikoto-san." Rin apologized.

"Don't be. I'm truly happy that Satsuki has people who care enough to visit."

"I care for Satsuki greatly. We've already gone through a lot together."

Mother smiled fondly and reached her hand out to run her fingers through Rin's silky brown hair. Rin leaned into the touch, enjoying the show of affection. "It makes me happier he has someone to talk to about what happened. I haven't been able to bring it up." With that, Mother pulled back and gave me a kiss on the head. "Have fun okay." She said as she heads to the front door.

"Your mother's so sweet," Rin commented once she's gone.

"She's a mom." Kakashi retorted.

"Have you not seen Tsume-san?"

"She's a different kind of breed."

Rin shook her head in exasperation and turned to me with an amused expression. "This guy won't leave me alone since what happened. Now I have to deal with his remarks every second."

"Untrue, I don't speak every second." Kakashi interceded.

I smiled along as they bickered with each other. I couldn't relate to a closeness like this, where you're so comfortable with each other that you don't care about what you do or say in front of them anymore. I was close to Itachi than I had ever been with anyone, but it was different than what they had.

As I continued to watch them, I understood the difference as I noticed the constant blush tinting Rin's cheek, and Kakashi's focus on not looking at her. I blinked, doing a double-take. Were they... They were. They were flirting. I was a hundred percent sure.

It was so obvious after so many years of being the third wheel to my brother and whatever girl that was trying to get his attention at the time. Twice, even a guy would try to hit on him. It was pretty funny to think they could steal him away from his girlfriend.

My smile faded and my eyes turned downcast. They couldn't take him away, but he was taken none the less. Death wasn't something you could reject.

"Satsuki-chan?" Rin's voice made me snap my eyes back up to her. She gazed at me with worry as she reached across the table to cup my cheek. "Is there something wrong?"

I shook my head and she leaned back.

"I heard you spoke from Minato-sensei." Rin finally reached for the green tea and took a sip. "I wish I was there to hear it. But jeez, I had to stay outside the village for a while." I caught her hand unconsciously move towards her stomach. Kakashi saw as well, and he shifted to rest his head on his palm with his elbow on the desk, leaning towards Rin. They would work if they decided to be together, I thought. "I also heard you were upset about your brother attending the academy." She continued.

That detail was worse than being reminded about the kidnapping. I hadn't brought it up with Itachi ever since that day he told me. He knew I was still upset about it and tried to make it up with little gestures like bringing me drinks when I was looking over picture books, or handing me pretty rocks he found while training - which I knew he goes out of his way to find. I had to admit, it relieved me of my grudge every time he did it.

"Don't worry about it," Rin assured. "He may graduate early, yes, but he won't be required to head straight into battle. As a matter of fact, front lines are out of the question. The most he'd probably be able to do is reconnaissance missions under multiple higher ranking shinobi supervision for field experience. Of course, that's considering that the war doesn't end by the end of the year." She may be right, but there was still a risk. They would be in enemy territory and if there was a chance they were to be spotted, people were going to aim to kill.

"I've seen your brother training," Kakashi suddenly spoke up. My interest spiked and I leaned forward to listen better. "He's a true prodigy, maybe better than when I was at his age. He's going to be one of Konoha's greatest shinobi. If he has the right traits to go with his prowess than it wouldn't be a stretch to think he'd become a potential Hokage if the circumstances allow it." That was high praise I didn't expect, but I wasn't doubtful. I could honestly see Itachi older, maturer, stronger, and legendary with a triangular hat resting in his firm grips.

Uchiha Itachi, Hokage of Konohagakure.

That didn't sound bad at all.

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