War and Peace

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Konoha's weather remained pleasant. The wind blew in fresh breezes within the warm air and urged many of the villagers out on the streets to enjoy the day on their porch or at the park, a complete opposite to how the men inside the Hokage's office felt. The air was frigid and harsh and it left the men tense to where they stood, or sat, considering the leader of the village glared down upon the foreign messenger from where he was seated behind his desk.

The messenger remained on one knee, undoubtedly bruising at the elongated time he remained in that position. It was an act of intimidation, he knew, but the messenger wished the Hokage would be aware that the leader's mere presence was enough to have him piss his pants.

"You may stand." The Hokage's voice made the messenger flinch and he quickly covered it by smoothly rising to his feet. He ignored the pain at his knee and focused on what he was sent here for. One wrong action, or even word, can have him held prisoner, especially for the reason he was here for. "State your name and purpose."

"Hito Kyo. Kiri wishes to appeal to a proposition." He stated, less firmly than he should have.

The Hokage leaned back in his chair and crossed his hands over his lap. "Proposition?" He simply asked.

"Muzukage-sama hopes to assure you that what had transpired along the water borders were not of his plans or knowledge."

"You mean the one which had Kiri shinobi kidnap two of my villagers, one of which was the son of one my Clan Head. Our cofounders."

Hito had to swallow thickly to continue. "Mizukage-sama knows he is at fault for not maintaining order and loyalty within his people to do such a thing."

"You've done far worse for me to forgive so easily."

"And we hope that you will consider an end to those tragedies."

As a messenger, he knew that these words were hypocritical. It was only because Kiri wished to retrieve the tailed beast that they were so shamelessly submitting to Konoha. War was going to end soon enough due to a tremendously horrid state of resources anyway and by all hell did they know that Konoha had more room to spare than they ever did right now. It showed how smart the leaders were despite Konoha's lack of military prowess compared to hidden villages like Kiri itself. One word that Konoha had captured Kiri's tailed beast and Kiri's reputation would be tainted for generations to come. It didn't matter that they still held the Rokubi - people would only think it easy for others to take.

"You propose a treaty." The Hokage stated. It wasn't a question.

"Yes. One that includes the Sanbi."

"Hokage-sama." Nara Shikaku stepped forward from where he had been leaning against the wall, all eyes on the messenger. If the situation weren't so serious, he would've pitied the man for being sent alone dead center within enemy territory - though it was a sign of thin trust between one enemy village to another. There was no need for him to speak up, as what he is to say, the Hokage was already aware of them. He still needed to remind the messenger that he shouldn't be fooled of the Hokage's amicability and to remain aware of just how much danger he was in to be standing here. "Proposing an independent treaty with Kiri will only leave suspicion, especially with Iwa and Kumo."

The Hokage tapped his pipe to rid the ashes within it and blew one more puff before he stood. "Since the Sanbi is now sealed within one of my people, they will remain within our protection and village walls. They will not be identified in any way unless the situation is uncontrolled." The messenger's heart sank as he jumped to the conclusion of rejection to the proposal, even though it was expected. "However, I am willing to compromise with the absolute promise you will sign the twenty-year peace treaty in less than five months, and convince your allying nations to do the same." The Hokage finished.

"That... That is all?" Hito couldn't help but question it. Coming from Kiri, a notoriously ruthless nation, he didn't doubt that if Kiri were to be in Konoha's advantageous position right now, they would take full advantage to ruin the other village's internal power for years to come. He knew it in his heart and had believed the other villages would do the same, so this undoubtedly threw him for a loop.

The Hokage turned to gaze out the window and peered out onto the streets below him. The beginnings of the main market streets were within view and he took pleasure in watching the busy lives of all those he cared for. "Konoha had been founded on the notion of peace and unity between all. Our Shodai's will still holds strong within my heart and I wish to pass it on. If you are willing to come to peace as quickly as possible between the nations, then I see no reason to ask for more."

The messenger could only accept his words. "Hokage-sama, what if we're not able to convince our allies within the allocated time?"

"The year is reaching its end, so I wish to hear good news by new years."

"And..." Hito hoped he didn't have to keep pushing the situation by asking questions. Thankfully, he didn't.

"Give us the word of the Mizukage and I will see what can be done about the Sanbi." The tone within his voice settled the topic from any further discussion. All they needed were actions to be taken and all would be well. "Tell me," The Hokage started again. The messenger straightened his back, having dumbly relaxed at the notion of ending this. "Does the Mizukage truly not know of the man who kidnapped my people?"

"The Mizukage was furious to hear the news and the ones involved had been executed. The only one who would know any information is the prisoner you hold. If you wish for proof of the execution I can -"

The Hokage raised his hand to stop the man from continuing. He couldn't feel any hint of a lie he could usually detect and sighed disappointedly. It was truly unfortunate the prisoner had no idea as well, and there was really no way to interrogate a Kage without another war to be had. It also hurt him faintly that the prisoner's village had no intention of taking him back. He'd be executed either way. With a flick of his wrist, the Anbu guards swiftly escorted the messenger out of the village to inform his Kage of the meeting.




"You're acting a fool to compromise." Danzo's icy tone did nothing to intimidate Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I am merely following the teaching of our Shodai."

"A fool's errand."

"And what do you say?"

Danzo's glare was enough to cut blades themselves. "We have the Sanbi in our grasp. Why would you ever think to give up such a tool?"

He wondered how many times they fought around the same topic over the years. Hiruzen was growing tired of them. "We do not need a tool when there is no battle to be had. The war is over, Danzo, and I will not risk further conflict."

"War will never be over, Hiruzen." Danzo mocked. "Another one will rise and continue to fester. We cannot allow ourselves to be disillusioned by transparent peace!"

"Which is why I am working to prevent it as much as possible. Showing Kiri and the other nations opportunities to long term peace will change many things for the future. Fewer wars, fewer child soldiers, less death and broken souls."

"Which is why you are a fool to believe that it is possible. Peace will be the end of us all." With a sharp jerk of his body, Danzo turned to leave the Hokage's office with his displeasure obvious in every step, but he halts at the words spoken next.

"I call for Root to be disbanded."

Danzo doesn't turn again. "You're telling me to give up my army?"

"Your army is the entire Konoha shinobi force. An Anbu subsidiary made for war is unneeded now that it is over." Sarutobi Hiruzen allowed many privileges to his old friend and teammate, some like his allowance of Danzo to isolate the Uchiha shinobi to do increasingly in-village missions after the last frontier battle three months ago in order to satiate his disagreements on other things, but he needed to set a boundary. "That is an order," He said before Danzo could argue.

Danzo hated how Hiruzen ruled, but he ruled nonetheless. When the Hokage gave direct orders in regard to military actions, he must listen. "Affirmed," he replied as he finally left the office, but his thoughts were less than loyal.

We'll see how much I actually do.

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