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Itachi and I stood side by side as Mother placed a relatively large knife in Itachi's hand. Shisui stood awkwardly between two pre-teens and Minato was the sun shining in a mass of black space all the way by the living room entrance. Last time Itachi and I had cut the cake hand in hand, but I wasn't going to argue to cut it again.

Itachi cut down the middle of the cake as the children eagerly waited for their share upfront while the older guests stood a bit behind to create less of a crowd. There was no singing or cheer, just smiles of children and the aura of wistfulness filled the air. It was surreal, to think they, the Uchiha Shinobi, could still witness the birthday of a child after having fought in the war. They survived, and not even a month later, they would be back out on the battlefield again. If they couldn't survive until the end of the war, then they would be reassured that the next generation will live in peace all thanks to their efforts. Still, they may be wishing to experience peacetime for themselves again.

However, I couldn't find any kind of hope for peacetime. People will grow relaxed, children will be spoiled, and no one will be prepared for the war that will be far greater than this one - or any old wars that had ever been fought.

The fourth shinobi war was in less than twenty-five years.

Fear grew within me and my hand suddenly reached out to grab ahold of Itachi's. Itachi looked down at where I grabbed his hand, and without another moment of hesitation, he squeezed back and held his grip. My heart was calmed before I could start panicking.

"Look here, Itachi. Satsuki." Mother told us. She held up what looked like a vintage camera, though the function worked as good as any modern camera I remembered. With a click of her finger the light flashed to capture a very heartwarming moment. Celebration during wartime - you do all you could to stay afloat.

When the cake was handed out, Itachi and I sat on the living room couch as the guests talked among themselves. Some came up to give us whatever present they had bought. There was nothing more than clothes and training sets.

Namikaze Minato still looked out of place with a smile that betrayed his awkwardness. He did feel the difference between him and the others. However, when Shisui approached him his smile grew more sincere as the boy asked him a few questions I couldn't hear. I could guess that Shisui was a nostalgic personality. He seemed at ease with Shisui speaking with him and when the boy was called by another child, Minato patted his head and sent him away. Obito and Shisui were similar. They were both more outgoing of the Uchiha.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Itachi shifted the hold we still had. I looked at him and realized he wanted to put his empty plate back in the kitchen, but then he noticed my still untouched piece of cake left besides me, and so he settled back quietly and waited for me to finish. It didn't take me long to finish and I accompanied him to put the plates back. Minato watched us thoughtfully and waved when he caught me looking back.

This man, he seemed nice. There was no doubt that he was popular with how handsome he was, not to mention his reputation. He would accomplish his dream and would get married in a year or two before expecting to be a father. He looked like the type to spoil his child... How regretful. Naruto would have had such a great life if Minato lived to raise him.

I moved closer to Itachi, suddenly aware that Itachi himself would die.

No, no... It didn't seem plausible being with him now. Then again, I was so sure Athen would live a long and successful life - It happened all too suddenly.

It could still happen all too suddenly.

A weathering cloud seeped into my mind and suddenly I was moving towards Minato. I ignored the confusion from Itachi and gripped Minato's shirt tightly, before dragging him up the stairs.

I didn't care about secrets. I didn't have time to be hesitant.

This man. He was powerful enough to fight the strongest of tailed beast equally. That's where everything hits hard for Itachi; the Kyuubi attack. If it played out as before, Itachi was entirely fated to how his life was from the series.

But I couldn't deny all the reality around me. This fear, this protectiveness, this desperation to do something. None of it could be fake. This was real. Itachi was real.

I couldn't do anything about Athen, but Itachi... I know what's going to happen. It can't happen. I need to begin. I don't have time. A year already passed when I remembered. Another two years is nothing.

When I'm away from the crowd and in the space of my room with my hand still holding a death grip on Minato, I expected there to be silence but there was still this noise. This loud, rough noise.

When I turned to Minato, his mouth was moving quickly in a rush of words, but I couldn't hear his voice over the ringing permeating my ears. His face blurred in places. What's wrong with him? Something's wrong, but there's no time to figure that out. He has to know. If he isn't prepared he won't have a chance to survive. He needs to survive. He needs to prepare.

Itachi, I could save him. I could. I need to let him know. I need to begin. I don't have time.

It's the last thought I had when the world tilts and all that's left is darkness.

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