New Born

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Our fifth birthday was the largest we've ever held. Almost the entire clan came to crowd the hall and rooms. Even the back and front yards were filled. Mother was knowing enough to position tables and chairs in the sun for those who liked the daylight. Some sat on the clean grass of the backyard while chatting happily amongst themselves. I never realized my clan could be this lively. Perhaps it was because the war had just ended.

"Satsuki-kun!" Rin's greeting was like that of childhood friends meeting after a while apart. That wasn't all too wrong I guess. I smiled softly at this and greeted her and the two boys tagging along behind her with a bow.

When the last of the guests were greeted for now, Itachi and I joined the trio in the living room full of Uchiha shinobi. Some fresh faces, such as the young teens, glanced at our group in awe and respect. Some even ogled at Obito's open scars and eyepatch, which were much more visible now that his hair was cut as short as it used to be. The story of his retrieval was famous amongst the clan. No one would have expected the black sheep to survive months out in war by himself. I commended them for their ability to ignore the awkwardness of the environment. Being the Hokage's students came with its own struggles, I assume.

"Thank you for coming," Itachi told them pleasantly. If only Shisui could come as well, but the boy was out on a long term mission that would last a month at best.

"Of course we would!" Obito cheered, "I need to at least be present for my saviors birthday."

I was amused at his admittedly embarrassing statement. Obito was definitely returning to his old self. His initial put off and somber expression was transforming into the goofy excitement and playfulness that made him his namesake: Uchiha Obito.

"You're an idiot." Kakashi deadpanned. Obito's spluttering and Rin's giggles added to my enjoyment.

"Will Minato-san and Kushina-san not come?" Itachi asked.

Rin looked apologetic. "Sensei won't be free for a while, since, you know, the whole becoming Hokage thing. There's still so much even he needs to learn. As for Kushina-nee-chan, she's basically held captive in her own home." She laughed.

"Captive?" Itachi asked curiously.

Rin blinked down at us. "Do you two not know?" Our only reply was a confused tilt of our heads. Rin smacked her forehead. "I can't believe Mikoto-sama hasn't told you guys!" She crouched down to our level and asked us to come closer. "I'm telling you this because I trust you. I'm not sure why Mikoto-sama didn't mention it, but Kushina-nee-chan's been pregnant for a while now. Her due date's in October."

Itachi and I blinked.

Oh. Oh.

"Congratulations... Is it confidential as to why this is kept secret?" Itachi asked.

"I'm sorry," Rin said nervously, "I can't open my mouth on that part."

Itachi took it for what it was and quickly moved on from the subject, but my mind was literally a haze of "oh, shits" and "oh my god". Thankfully, I was able to control my reaction and stood by Itachi calmly (on the outside at least). I knew this was coming. I really did. Being so caught up with my mother's own pregnancy and with no one ever speaking of it, it sort of settled down in the shadows of my mind until now.

It's okay. There's no need to panic. Rin was alive. Obito was saved. The nine tails attack may not happen at all, but Madara and Zetsu were still out there. With all these changes, it was impossible to know what would happen next.

"It won't take me as long as him to settle into the job when I become Hokage," Obito exclaimed in the middle of the conversation. The topic had turned back to Minato becoming Hokage.

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