𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜 & 𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕜𝕖 𝕋𝕠𝕠 𝕤𝕠𝕠𝕟

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I haven't even grown the balls to tell him, there's two things I still don't know bout Izzy and how he takes certain news. Is he the jealous type and will he freak out but he seems like the least confrontational of the group or is he a quiet killer ? Would he actually kill a guy for something so small I don't think so, but then again he has a gun so wouldn't let that pass me by. Well I could just go out with a bang and say it what's the worst that could happen

Getting up I move quietly so he doesn't actually get up and go get dressed for today. Standing before the mirror I see a lot 'love marks' in Izzy's words along my neck and chest

"Wonderful, damn canine" grabbing a pair of tights and underwear, figure the rest out later 

Maybe if I tell someone trustworthy first what happened they'll understand so I have someone actually on my side. Slash is easily trusty enough since proved so when he first found out bout us dating, Duff might be able to have an easier understanding though since he seems most forgiving and knows it's not my fault. Don't think Steven can handle secrets and might call me a hypocrite, no way I can tell Axl he'd either lash out on me or straight up tell Izzy it's my fault and I'm no good. Yeah this is not the easiest decision ever...

Walking out the room I close the door carefully making way to the elevator to see if I can maybe find one of two most eligible candidates

Knocking on Slash's door I wait for a response before I'm banging again hearing something fall which could be he actually fumbled out of his bed. With the door forcefully thrown open I'm met with a pair of eyes, sleepy ones that is, and smile

"Good morning did I wake you ?" stepping in as he closes the door "your room is a mess"

"Long night by myself, what are you doing up so early it's only 8:07 n/n" he yawns rubbing the sleep out of his eyes laying back down

"Needed to talk to someone and it's between you and Duff who I trust the most right now" sitting next to him crossing my legs

"Well what's wrong finally ready to tell me why you've been pissed ?"

"Some not so pleasant words exchanged between me and Nikki but it's fine I think he apologized, however he is right back at the top of my shit list with his latest action"

"What did he do"

"He kissed me last night" mumbling hoping he heard so I don't have to repeat myself

"He what I didn't hear you"

"He kissed me last night Slash damnit"

"Wow...how was it ?" staring at him with confusion and really appalled

"Not good, I feel terrible what do I do ? I didn't tell Izzy because I'm afraid he'll do something irrational or worse accuse me of cheating"

"Well he's not the fighting type if that's what you're asking, that's Axl's deal but I'm sure he'll understand if you tell him what really happened. Now that being said how did this all happen ?"

"I was getting ready for bed and there was a knock on the door so I assumed it was room service or maybe Izzy forgot the key so I opened it and voila it was Nikki. So I was originally trying to close the door and just get him to leave but he started apologizing so I took it and then he started acting like himself again and it happened he just did it and said he enjoys messing with my head and left"

"Well he was with us a few minutes or hours before so we did some blow might've been just a stupid moment for him and he wasn't all there. Guy was pretty messed up so but you didn't kiss back did you like let it go on ?"

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