𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕒 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕤 & 𝔻𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤

31 9 40

"Y/n you look amazing in these shots look, this would go great with Times magazine" Sheri looks over the camera angles and playback on the video "you look like a sadistic sex goddess, the chains the taunting"

"Glad you think so because that's not the shot we're most likely gunna be able to do, Alice thought it would be a good idea to shoot two music videos in case this one is too explicit for the world"

"So what I'm hearing is more time out being a model for you" she smirks knowing I hate being considered model figure

"Means more time of me being eye candy, how's things going in the office ? More importantly how is Francois doing about fashion week ?"

"Everything is in order and the people love it, some are even sad that you didn't show up this year but they understand you're a busy woman"

"While I love my job this was a once in a lifetime deal I couldn't refuse, can you give me a minute to call home and we can go" while she waits outside I close the dressing room door going for the phone to see who will answer

"Santana but you got Lupe"

"Too perfect, Lupe I need you to get Bella out of the house for a while say...maybe an hour" removing the heels as quickly as possible

"Uh sure but what's the catch, rearranging her room again or has it finally occurred to you that you need some satisfaction so you're bringing a guy home"

"For the last time no I'm not, I'm waiting until Izzy gets back. Look I just need to take care of some business but is Slash home ?"

"Actually he's out right now said he was going to a friend's but he'll be back later, only that was a few hours ago should be coming home any minute unless he plans on staying out"

"Do you know where he might've went ?"

"Probably Robbin's or his girlfriend's don't ask I don't know where she lives"

"Okay well just pack up Bella's bag and have her out of the house please"

"Is everything okay ?"

"It will be" hanging up finishing getting dressed


Sitting in the chair I've been waiting almost all afternoon which really was 3 hours but doesn't bother me as long as the two or one idiot walks through that door I'm gunna kill him. Drinking doesn't make it better but it's gunna make me better, it's the only thing keeping me calm right now. Olivia called earlier to update me on fashion week since it's almost over and she's getting last minute jitters but I told her I wasn't in the mood and hung up before she could pester me about why. Shitty thing to do but when you're that livid you only have a focus on one thing and that's to either shut down completely or black out violence

Taking another swing of jack I hear a car engine and see the bright headlights glaring against the windows and door meaning they're home, taking off Mona's locket I put it on the shelf and stand by. Just as the door is being opened I take one last drink before the lights come on and see Slash at the door kind of spooked

"Oh shit n/n you scared the fuck out of me, why you in the dark ?" watching him close the door

"How'd you get home ?"

"Got dropped off by a cab and I did not pay for it, Renee did"

"Where'd you go today ?" trying to keep as calm as possible

"Out with some friends I haven't seen in a while" he shrugs moving from the door coming to sit down

"Like who ?" looking at the bottle cap playing with it in my hands

 𝔽𝕠𝕠𝕝𝕤 ℝ𝕦𝕤𝕙 𝕀𝕟 || ֆȶɛʋɛռ ǟɖʟɛʀWhere stories live. Discover now