ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕍𝕒𝕟 ℤ𝕒𝕟𝕥 & 𝔽𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝕀𝕀

45 10 20

Gramercy Park Hotel, Rose bar. Gotta say I'm loving the architecture and detail of the place, why did Carson choose here I don't know but I'm not complaining. The drinks are coming and I'm feeling fine

"Can I have another manhattan please" stopping the bartender for the 4th time since we've gotten here

"That's your 5th one, honey are you okay ?"

"I'm great Carson haven't had a drink in weeks I really need this"

"Okay, so Olivia tell me about this Jeff guy in your life" he turns his focus back to her leaving me to drink

"He's so sweet and funny, I met him while I was with n/n visiting Seattle. And he happens to play bass in a band"

"You just have a fetish for bass players don't you Liv, I don't judge but it's starting to show"

"Maybe I do or maybe that's just because they shouldn't be so cute. Anyways we've been dating for some time now, think 5 months" she nods sure of herself

"So what I'm hearing is Seattle is where all the hot men are, why am I just finding out about this ?"

"Wherever we go there's hot men just she happened to catch the eye and keep this one"

"That's true but you could've had a Seattle guy too if you put on the charm"

"I didn't want one so I didn't have to do that, if I as so wanted to I could've had them like that" snapping my finger "besides I can't handle long distance relationships they suck and are hard"

"Have you tried honey"

"Mhm, I had this one guy. He was cute too but he was just so....flirty and nice. So I went to visit him one day like surprise and he had this redhead there and she just told me how they've been seeing each other and living together so I broke up with him after of course 2 other girls showed up same time I was leaving and fuck was I mad"

"Honey I don't mean to rain on your parade but aren't you technically doing a long distance relationship with your man touring over the world"

Shit he's right, how the hell am I making it work. I mean he comes home every now and then but what's so different besides that

"By the look on your face I'm right huh ? Ooh I'm on a roll this week I just might get lucky and meet my husband sooner than I thought"

"Let me just say this, do you love Jeff ? Like have you told him yet ?"

"Mhm we actually said it at the same time, it was pretty cheesy but funny since it happened during..."

"Oh oh you nasty" laughing at her blushing face "Well that's cute, when did you guys have sex ?"

"My birthday"

"Aw how romantic, so was he good ?"

"He was great, I mean he took his time and everything"

"I sense a but though ?" noticing her circling the rim of the glass

"Promise not to look at me differently or you either Carson" she side eyes him, causing hands to go up "Every since New Years I haven't necessarily stopped thinking about Slash"

Well la di da, this is news to me

"That's the curly head guy right ? The black one ? Wow talk about hottie, did you guys have a thing back then ?" Carson asks getting a little too invested

"When you went on that drunken rant to his ex ? Wait why did something happen after that ?"

"Not really we talked but he was just trying to say thank you, one thing lead to another and I almost kissed him but I didn't thank god because then I'd be a cheater and I don't wanna do that to Jeff. But I don't know nothing happened I swear"

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