𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕤 𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 & 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘

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~ April 30, 1988 ~

"Y/n ?! Phone !"

"Fuck it Lupe I don't wanna talk" shouting back down

Since I got home they've been calling nonstop, honestly they can all shove it. Fucking junkies are gunna drive me insane. What the fuck am I saying, I'm gunna love those boneheads regardless but right now not so much. I just wanna be alone in my thoughts to think things through

"They just wanna talk n/n c'mon and say hi"

"Lupe hang up the damn phone !"

Hearing her stomp up the staircase I can feel this isn't gunna be an easy convo exchange between us for two reasons. One; she's been here answering the phone since I haven't and two; I've been a complete asshole about it

"Alright what gives, which one of those ass clowns do I have to kill ?" feeling her flop on top of me squishing myself into the bed more

"All of them, I'll even help store the bodies"

"What happened you haven't spoken to me or anyone who called the past three days"

"He's still using and has been lying to me about it"

"Using ?"

"Yeah, and he said it's like he can't stop"

"Shit that's not good so what are you gunna do, don't tell me you just gave up on him ?"

"No I just came home"

"So not only did you kill two birds with one stone but you are doing exactly what you're known for and that's running away from the problem"

"You guys call it running away I call it avoiding more confrontation, I almost said something that I was gunna regret later"

"And what's that ?"

"I almost called him a junkie and broke up with him"

"Wow you cold-hearted bitch, good thing you didn't otherwise would've set back all of this. So you just up and left, didn't try to talk it out or hear his side of the story"

"No I didn't, probably should've but you know how much of a hothead I am"

"How bout we go see Luisa and get her input on this she seems smarter than I am. But I can tell you this, coming from a mom whose done it for years and knows the struggle of giving it up it can not be easy at all. The only thing you can do is be there to help him stop it and I'm not saying baby him because that's not it but guide him that way"

"I'm gunna get dressed be right out, can you get Bella dressed please for me"

"Yeah yeah, don't be pissed if she's matching me more than you"


"So what do you think mom like it ?" showing her all the plans since the wedding is right around the corner

"Everything seems perfect yeah, and your tias are still coming down right ?"

"Yup Lupe is gunna go pick them up while I'm at work, they'll be here May 23rd. Also Teresa and I will be flying to Vancouver before she leaves to see about the venue"

"That's blondie right ? She single still ?"

"Lupe seriously not now"

"Just a question, I'm not doing anything ?"

"Why must my family be horny individuals who sleeps with my friends" looking up to the gods but don't get an answer "anyways have you found any appealing dresses ?"

 𝔽𝕠𝕠𝕝𝕤 ℝ𝕦𝕤𝕙 𝕀𝕟 || ֆȶɛʋɛռ ǟɖʟɛʀWhere stories live. Discover now