𝔾𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣 & 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕜𝕪

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~ December 14, 1987 ~

"Okay Lita whenever you're done with make up I had them place the clothes in your dressing room, if anything needs to be touched up I'll have Carson on it"

Since Lita wasn't feeling good the original day we scheduled I switched some things around and managed to squeeze her for today. So far I've been the bitchiest person I could be with traffic, the phone ringing nonstop, yelled at Jenna again poor girl, and even sassed Heidi about when I'd be done for today. I should really get a muzzle or learn to control my temper otherwise I'm not destined to go far in life, but it's hormones what really can you do

"You got it I'm gunna go change now"

Standing by I lean against a table just in my own headspace until it's being broken by a voice

"Thank you again for such short notice y/n" Sharon joins me standing by

"It was no problem really"

"What's wrong dear, I can see you're visibly upset about something. I'm a really good listener if you need someone to talk to"

"I'm fine really it's okay just got a lot on my mind and really want all this to come out good and up to Lita's standards"

"I can assure you Lita doesn't have too high of standards for a photo and if she does she's gunna suck it up and love it because you obviously put a lot of hard work into this"

"You're her manager you can say that it's my job to make her happy with the outcome"

"Y/n" she calls again with a much serious tone "what's really wrong it's eating you alive"

"You have kids right ? Three of them if I'm not wrong, how did you do it like back to back like that at a young age"

"Well I was 30 when I had Aimee so not too hard but I give you praises for having Isabella so young and being really mature about it. Now I won't be a liar and say it gets easier because it doesn't but it takes time, however you got to remember it'll all be worth it in the end when you look back on this at their graduation or whatever and think I was a damn good mother"

"But were you scared ? Like with Ozzy on the road still and you know...the drugs and chaotic behavior"

"Of course, it's normal and never easy being married to a famous rockstar but you love him enough to put up with it. It may sound like a hassle and down right ridiculous but love you have to make sacrifices for those you love and care so much about, you can't let them go. Remember a kid is always gunna love their parent no matter how wrong they might be or crazy they are because they can't help it"

"Does it make me a slut for having two kids with different dads ?"

"I wouldn't look at it that way, because nowadays there might be someone just like you out there with the same situation and their kids won't even dare look at them differently. So no I don't it makes you brave, a little careless but it's human nature however if I were you I'd refrain from having more kids after this for awhile" she jokes making me laugh finally working up a smiling since I woke up this morning

"Thanks for listening Sharon I think I needed that"

"Who better than me right ? Now keep that smile you're too pretty to be moping around" she rubs my shoulders in a motherly way

"Okay everyone let's get this started" standing up walking closer to the setting "Lita you babe of a rockstar let's get those pictures"

~ December 22, 1987 ~

"Okay catering will be there at 4:30 to start setting out the food, I have some guys working on lights around the ceiling and you still need to get to choosing a dress so we can fix the bust size I know your breast got bigger" Sheri tells me without looking up from her clipboard

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