just kiss me already🌺

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college au
dabi doesn't have his scars but he has the black hair
tomura pov

i glared at dabi. for some reason everyone was infatuated with his new lip piercings instead of me. everyone always paid attention to me, not him. but apparently, he got snake bites and everyone was so interested with them.


after school, i grabbed dabi by his sleeve and pushed him into a storage closet. i locked the door behind me turned on the light. i looked at dabi and glared up at him.

"what the hell dude." i snapped

"pardon?" he asked. playing dumb, huh?

"you know what! usually, everyone's ignoring you! and paying attention to fucking me!" i snapped again

"ooooh. you don't enjoy being ignored, do you~" he laughed, grabbing my chin with his thumb and index finger.

"w-what!? that's not it!" i grabbed his hand off of my face.

"then what is it, mop head?" he asked, smirking.

"i-i-i..." i looked up at him.

"well, i won't ignore you right now." he looked down at me, grabbing my chin again.


he chuckled and put his arm around my waist, and he used his other hand to hold my shoulder. i blushed and put my hands on his chest. i wasn't pushing him away by any means, i just needed to steady myself.


"yes~?" he smirked, still holding my waist.

"f-fuck-" i was still blushing, and this fucker made it worse by pulling me closer to him.

he pulled me so close our chests were touching.

"you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid, blue raspberry~" he whispered, his breath warm against my ear. fuck. i'll admit, that was hot.

and he was right.

no he wasn't

yes he was

no he fucking wasn't

yes he was.

i glared at him and grabbed the collar on his jacket

"for the record, i don't like you." i snapped. i pressed our lips together and ran my tongue over his piercings. fuck. fuck this felt good. he pinned me against the wall and shoved his tongue in my mouth. we made out for a while, and i even wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. my back was still against the wall and he started to grind into me.

i moaned softly and tightened my grip around his waist.

"i take back what i said about not liking you, dabi." i whispered, kissing him again.

"you never meant it in the first place~" he said as he pulled my shirt over my head and then his own.

and that was the first time he actually realised how skinny i was. he touched my chest and trailed his fingers down. he got to my jeans and he started to unbuckle my belt. he slipped it off and pulled my pants down. he pulled his own pants down as well and started to press himself against me. i moaned quietly and he reconnected our lips.

he pulled my boxers down. he then started to position himself to go in.

"w-wait." i stopped him. i didn't just want him going in dry so i dropped down onto my knees. i took his entire member into my mouth, which kind of hurt and made me gag since he was rather large.

he groaned and grabbed a fistful of my hair. i started to bob my head up and down, causing him to moan softly.

"g~good boy~" he whispered. my face flushed intensely and i bobbed my head faster. fuck i loved being praised...

he started to move my head for me, pushing my head farther than i did, causing me to gag even more. he soon pulled my head off and picked me back up. he kissed me again and quickly shoved himself in.

"a-AH~" i moaned loudly as he shoved into me.

he let me adjust and then he started slamming into me. i moaned again.

"f-fuck you feel good." dabi whispered

"f~faster, d~d~DABI~" i screamed his name. he smirked and slammed in faster. i continued to moan as he slammed into me.

"y~you're doing s~so good, m~my b~blue ra~hAH~asberry." dabi kissed my neck. the metal from his piercings felt oddly nice in my neck.

i blushed harder and moaned at the praise.

dabi started to jerk me off intime with his thrusts

"i~i'm g~gonna cum, b~baby~" dabi whispered, kissing my neck again.

i nodded and kissed him sloppily.

he groaned as he released inside of me. i soon came on his and my chest

"y~you did s~so good, baby." he smiled, grabbing a rag and wiping the cum off of us.

i let go of him and he helped me stand up. he pulled my jeans up, and grabbed my belt and buckled it back onto my jeans

was he fucking dressing me!?

ok that's hot

he made me raise my arms and he pulled my shirt over my head. he zipped my fly up on my jeans.

he kissed my lips and helped me stand again.

"h-hey, dabi?" i called as he started to dress himself.

"hm?" he looked at me as he pulled his shirt on.

"c-can we walk to school together tomorrow?" i asked

he laughed.

"of course, babe~" he grabbed my hand and we left the storage closet

"b-babe?" i looked at him.

"hm?" he smirked

i smiled and kissed him, running my tongue over his piercings again.

"a-are we-...are we d-dating now?" i looked up at him

"would you like to be?" he asked me

i looked at him

".......yeah." i smiled at him

"then that settles it! we're boyfriends." he kissed me again

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