first time?🌺

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i hope u guyz like consent

tomura pov

"wait what?" dabi sat down on my bed. i sat next to him

"i- look. you and i have been dating for like a while! a-and id always tell you that i didn't wanna have sex with you-"

"yeah because you told me you weren't ready. that's fine." dabi shrugged

"yeah but! b-but now i'm r-ready!" i grabbed dabis hand. he looked at me.

"really?" he placed his hands on top of my gloves ones.

"y-yes." i nodded

"ok, do you wanna do it now? or later." dabi turned to me fully, a small smile gracing his lips.

"now." i gulped. dabi nodded and pressed our lips together. he pushed me into the bed quickly, and placed his legs on either side of me. after a second he pulled away

"are you sure you wanna do this, boss? i mean, you being a virgin and all. are you absolutely sure you want me to change that?" dabi asked

"yes, i'm sure. ive thought about this for a while, and i'm sure. i want you." i explained. dabi nodded and looked at me.

"just say stop at any time, ok?" dabi told me. i nodded and he pressed our lips back together. dabi pressed his hands to my chest and burned straight through my shirt. he ripped it off and started to run his hands across my chest. i wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. i could feel my pants growing tighter, and dabi noticed that. he started to palm me softly through my jeans, causing me to moan softly into our kiss. he pressed his hard-on to my inner thigh. dabi pulled away for a second but only to take off his shirt, and then he connected our lips again. he started to unbuckle my belt and pull my pants down. i held onto dabi tighter and he stopped for a second.

"you still ok?" he whispered in my ear. i nodded and he continued to pull my pants off. he placed his hand on my thigh and my breath hitched.

"calm down, baby, it's all ok." dabi cooed, and he started to rub my thigh softly. he pulled his hand away and started to pull his pants off, leaving us both in our boxers. dabi hooked his finger into the waistband of my boxers and looked at me. i nodded and he pulled them down. my member sprang out and dabi leaned up a little.

"you want me to prep you, right?" he confirmed. i nodded. held out three fingers and looked at me. i took them into my mouth and started to suck on them. once dabi pulled them out of my mouth, he pressed one inside of me.

third person pov

dabi checked for any pain on tomuras face as he pressed the finger deeper in.

"how does it feel? still good?" dabi confirmed. tomura nodded. dabi nodded and started to move my finger before adding another one. tomura inhaled sharply and dabi stopped moving his hand.

"does it hurt?" dabi asked.

"a-a little." tomura said. dabi nodded and kissed tomura.

"it's ok, baby. it won't hurt after a minute." dabi kissed tomura again to distract him from the pain. dabi added another finger, still keeping his lips pressed to tomuras. dabi started to move his hand, stopping every once in a while to let tomura adjust. once he felt tomura was stretched enough, he pulled his fingers out. tomura looked at dabi, and watched as the taller positioned himself to go in. dabi started to push himself inside of tomura, and looked at the bluenette for a reaction. tomura seemed fine, so dabi started to push himself in further.

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