dearest tomura🌹

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(dabi has no scars in this)

dabi brushed the tangles out of his hair, still leaving it rather spikey

he got dressed (his regular get up, minus the jacket) and looked at his reflection

"i've looked better....." dabi sighed.

the 22 year old shook it off and left his house, walking to the bakery he worked at. it wasn't that close, but the guy wanted to stay fit.

he looked in the wood shop down the street of his work and saw a small, frail looking boy walk in. you could say that dabi had a crush of sorts. he always watched the boy run in, and sometimes the boy would see him and wave. it made dabi smile when the boy noticed him.


tomura slipped on his glives, black jeans, and t shirt and ran out of his house. his long, blue hair occasionally obscured his vision. the 18 year old ran to the wood shop he worked at, barely able to breathe when he got there. he looked up and saw that tall dude who worked at the bakery and he smiled. tomura waved and watched as the others face lit up, then he started smiling and waving back.

tomur smiled and just walked inside, clocking in.

"youre late" kenji hikiishi, his boss, stated

"sorry," tomura paused to inhale "sorry, miss."

she just smiled and nodded

"its fine tomura. just go make some wooden dolls, thats what you're here for." kenji smiled, pointing to a desk. not just any desk, tomuras work desk. tomura nodded nodded and ran to the desk, grabbing a carving knife and a pencil.

once he finished a wood carving, it was about five hours later, he walked to go get water. he doesnt allow himself to drink while he's working on projects, even though kenji insists that he should. tomura grabbed a cold bottle of water from the counter and chugged it.

"did you finish anything?" jin, another one of his coworkers asked. tomura nodded before finishing the bottle. jin nodded and walked over to his own desk. tomura gave the buyer of the carving a quick call and let him know his carving was done.


dabis day was going relatively well, there was a lot of people coming in and buying cakes, donuts etc or stuff for baking, this meant his pay check was going to be good. he was happy about that. he was almost at his break. he had bought a wooden doll commission from the wood shop down the street. and yes it was an excuse to talk to the blue haired boy.

as soon as dabis break started, he walked back to his house and got his car. he drove to the wood shop and stopped outside. it wasn't busy, this was good.

he looked inside to see a tall woman with medium length brown hair, talking to a shorrt, blonde girl with buns about something. dabi opened the door to the shop and walked in.

"ah! welcome, what brings you here?" the tall woman asked

"oh- you see, i bought a commision here this morning, i wanted to check the progress." dabi explained

"oh! well i can get one of my employees to check on it!" the woman smiled. dabi nodded and waited while the wkman went to the back, presumably to get an employee.

the woman walked back out with the boy from earlier. he looked tired, and he was covered in wood dust.

"this is my employee, tomura, hes probably the one working on your commission." the tall woman smiled, pushing tomura towards dabi.

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