I love you🌹

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No angst this time! Just fluff.

Much fluff.

Shigaraki pov

"I hate you." I said, throwing a piece  of paper at Dabi.

"You didn't last night. As a matter of fact, I think you loved me last night-"

"OH SHUT UP, YOU WHORE!" I yell, cutting Dabi off.

He laughed and stood up.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Get the fuck off me or I'll disintegrate you."

"Ok ok! Calm down, baby man-"

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled, pushing him off of me.

He got up with this fake offended look.


"I love you." I said quickly

"What was that, shigi?"

"Nothing!" I said

"Nothing? Sure sounded like you said-"


"I'd rather fuck you." He winked

I just stood there.

That bitch.

Mother fucker had me cornered.

"S-shut up, asshole!"

"Aww. Did I make Tomura flustered?"


He cut me off by pressing our lips together.

I kissed back, holding him him close.

"I knew you loved me." Dabi smirked

"Fuck you." I said

"You wish you could, bottom." Dabi laughed.


"Then do it. Bottom."

"W-what?" I stared at him

"You heard me. You said you wont hesitate, but right now you're hesitating. Proving the point that you love me." Dabi smiled at me

"Bitch. I hate you."

"Love you to, Shigs."

See? No angst! Just fluff!

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