
876 9 10

dabis 10 and tomuras 7

tw: slight physical abuse, manipulation

tenko pov

i stared at the front door. i had just gotten dropped off by at my dads house by my mom. it sucked that i only got to see her 4 times a year. and for the other times i was with...dad.

i sighed and opened the door, soon met with the smell of beer. i walked in and shut the door quietly and ran down the stairs to my room. i shut my door and played with a loose thread on my gloves. i heard the stairs start to creak as my dad walked down the steps. i got under my bed as i heard him get closer to my room.

he opened my door and i all i saw was his feet.

"tenko...where are ya?" dad slurred his words. great. he's drunk again.

"tenkooooo~" he dragged out the o in my name. he soon stepped infront of my bed. i blinked at his shoes and soon he kicked the bed frame, causing me to yell in fear.

"found ya~" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms. i kicked, slapped, and even bit at him.

"put me down!" i screamed , still kicking at him. he threw me on my bed harshly and walked closer to me. i crawled away until i felt my back hit the wall.

he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me up to his face. i yelled out in pain and grabbed his wrist.

his breath smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. it was disgusting. i started to cry, making me wipe my eyes harshly

"stop fucking crying. you're not a baby." dad snapped. i nodded and started to wipe my eyes more. his eyes quickly changed form angry to caring. he set me down on my bed and stoked my hair back.

"sorry... i don't know what got into me. you know i still love you, right?" he asked. i nodded. i felt sick every time he said that. because i knew he was lying.

he smiled and pat my head. the second he left my room i grabbed my small phone from my bedside table

(when i say phone i don't mean like an iphone

(when i say phone i don't mean like an iphone

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mans had one of these)

i found moms contact and started to text her


t- i dont like living with dad

she texted back almost immediately

n- i know baby, i'm working on getting it to where you live with me, and you only have to visit your father.

i smiled and shut my phone. i laid on the bed and hugged my plushy. i heard my window creak open and i looked over towards it.

touya was back.

"w-why do you keep doing that?" i asked, starting to smile upon seeing him.

"because i wanted to hang out with you." he smiled back, jumping up on my bed.

i giggled and hugged him.

"thank you, touya." i smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. touya played with my hair until we heard footsteps coming down the stairs again. i jumped off of my bed and pushed touya underneath it. i got under it too and covered his mouth and mine. my door never opened but i heard dads open and then shut. i got out from under the bed and pulled touya out with me.

"sorry...that's just a precaution i have to take." i smiled. touya just nodded.

"i have to hide from my dad too" he sighed.


"but it's not normal to have to hide from the people who are supposed to love and take care of you." touya hugged me

"...i know." i felt my eyes start to sting and my lip start to quiver. i hugged touya back quickly and buried my face into his shoulder.

"c-can we go to your house?" i asked. i felt touya nod as he picked me up and we left through the very same window he entered through.

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