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dabi pov

as the school bell rang, signaling that school was over, i walked out of the classroom and to the bathroom. i walked in and heard soft crying

it sounded like...tomura. since he was my friend, i decided to try and help

"heeey...shigaraki? is that you?" i asked, leaning against the stall with the crying boy.

"n-no..." tomura lied. his raspy voice gave it away.

"what's wrong, shigaraki?" i asked

"i-its nothing, dabi." he lied again.

i sighed and dropped to the ground, sliding under the stall door and into tomuras stall. he looked horrible, tear stains on his face, his hair messier than usual

i pulled him into a hug and sighed

"what happened?" i asked, holding him tightly.

"one of my friends canceled on plans for this weekend that we'd had for months." he explained.

"hey, it's ok. i know how excited you probably were. but hey, maybe we could go hangout." i smiled. tomura stopped crying and looked at me

"r-really?" he started to smile

"really. let's go right no."

i grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the school. we went to this small pizza place and ordered a pizza and 2 drinks, as you do.


we walked around the town for hours and now we were just at his house

"i had fun today, tomy." i smiled

" i did too, dabi." he smiled. he kissed me quickly on the lips and walked up the stairs to his house. my face flushed and i chuckled softly, touching my lips

"i love you tomura..." i said

he chuckled and took me inside his house.

" i love you too." he said, kissing me again.

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