lovely, lovely boy💐

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someone requested smut and fluff in like january so here is that
sorry for not updating for a while btw‼️‼️

this was requested by Akuma8009
i apologise that it took me so long to write this, i have so many other stories that i'm working on, and it's kind of hard to remember which ones need updating

non-criminal au
praise kink, body worship

third person pov

lovely boy.

lovely, lovely boy.

lovely, lovely, blue-haired boy.

lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed boy.

lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed, perfect boy

lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed, perfect tomura.

dabi's lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed perfect, tomura.

dabi's lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed, perfect tomura.

oh how dabi loved tomura. his tomura.

his tomuras body was perfect. he wanted to put his hands all over it, to feel the soft skin of his tomura.

his tomuras voice was perfect. he wanted to hear it say his name, to swallow every perfect noise made by the raspy voice of his tomura.

his tomura was so perfect. he just wanted to hold his tomura. he wanted to touch his tomura, let his scarred hands roam around his tomuras scarred body. he wanted to explor every inch of the sallow skin of his tomura.

his lovely, lovely, blue-haired, red-eyed, perfect tomura.

"i love you, tomy." dabi would always tell his tomura. he meant it. his tomura was everything to him. his tomura would smile and tell him "i love you too, dabi."

his tomura was so perfect. he loved everything about his tomura. there wasn't a single flaw he could find with his tomura. his tomura is just—

dabi pov

"hey, dabi? i'm thinking of cutting my hair. do you think i should?" tomura asked me, holding out a staring of his shoulder length hair.

"if you want to. i like it long, but if you don't you should cut it." i smiled, walking up and hugging him from behind.

"you like it this way?" tomura stared at himself in the mirror, running his hand through his hair.

"yeah. it suits your face. but if you want to cut it, cut it. you'll look great." i smiled, kissing his cheek. tomura smiled and leaned back against me.

"i think i'm gonna do it."tomura smiled. i kissed his neck and smiled.

"it'll look amazing, babe." i kissed his neck again. he smiled and nodded. i buried my face into his hair, letting the smell of the lavender scented shampoo he uses fill my nose. his hair was soft, so soft. i smiled against his head and placed a kiss against his head. tomura laughed sweetly and spun around while in my arms, hugging me tightly.

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