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tomura gets super cold very easily

third person pov

winter hadn't started yet, but the temperatures had started to drop. tomura was the first to notice. the second the 56°[13.3°c] air would hit his skin he would start shivering. this would be just the one drawback of winter, if being cold didn't negatively effect his mood. the lower the temperatures got, the snappier tomura would be. since the building they lived in was so run down, there were holes in the walls. this made it to wear tomura had no where to go when it got cold. one night, it had dropped to 38°[3.3°c] which is pretty cold, but to tomura it was frigid. tomura was sitting at the bar, because that was the room with the least holes, making it the warmest. it was still pretty cold though, so he had a blanket wrapped around him.

"f-fuck." tomura whispered to himself as a gust of wind blew through the room.

"we should get a space heater for more of the rooms. it would save you a lot of shivering." tomura heard a voice say from behind him. tomura spun around to the source of the voice and saw dabi.

"w-where could w-we p-p-possibly g-get one? w-w-w-we're c-criminals, d-dumbass." tomura stuttered due to the cold.

"it's not even that cold, boss." dabi sighed, sitting down on the other side of the bar from tomura.

"y-you have a f-fire qu-quirk, o-of c-c-course i-it's n-n-not c-c-cold t-to y-you." tomura spat.

"my fire doesn't warm me up unless i use it. it's just not that cold." dabi sighed. tomura just huffed and pulled the blanket tighter. dabi almost laughed at the sight. his boss, who never showed weakness or fragility infront of others, wrapped in a blanket, shaking and stuttering.

"w-whatever. i-it's c-c-c-cold t-to m-me." tomura inhaled sharply. dabi sighed and sat directly next to him.

"w-what are y-you-" tomura cut himself off as dabi wrapped his arms around the bluenette, and started heating his hands softly. tomura felt a smile creep onto his face and he leaned closer to dabi.

"let's go to my room, the others might make fun of us if they see this." dabi laughed. tomura nodded and just let dabi pick him up. for someone who didn't feel the effects of his quirk unless he was using it, his skin was really warm. they got to dabis room and dabi laid down on his bed, and pulled tomura down with him. tomura shuddered and hugged the taller tightly. dabi laughed and pressed his hand to the bluenettes, cheek, watching as he practically melted into the hand.

"why is it so cold for you? its not this cold for anyone else in the league." dabi asked, making sure to keep tomura close to him.

"t-the first hideout the l-league ever had—or at l-least the f-first one i was in—was like a f-functional building w-with heaters, and i n-never really had to adapt to the c-cold." tomura was still stuttering, just not as much, which meant dabi's warming him up was working. dabi nodded and rubbed tomuras back.

"t-thank you. for w-warming me up. it means a lot, really." tomura whispered, hugging dabi tighter.

"of course, you looked like if you stayed out their any longer you'd be an ice cube by morning." dabi laughed, causing tomura to laugh too. eventually the pair stopped laughing and just laid with eachother. soon tomuras grip on dabi loosened, and dabi looked at the bluenette. his eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted. he was asleep. dabi smiled and pressed a small kiss to tomuras lips. he got off of the bed and walked to the corner of his room. he turned on his space heater and laid back down.

"we should actually get more space heaters though." dabi said, pulling tomura back into his arms

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