why dont you fuck off? 🌹

916 13 16

no quirk au

dabi sat tomura down at their table and smiled

"dabi, this place is really expensive. how are ee gonna afford this?" tomura whispered

dabj smiled and nodded, grabbing his boyfriend's hand.

"im rich, tomura."

they ordered there food and talked for a while, if you could even call it talking. they were mainly just flirting and laughing. they were having fun. until someone decided to ruin that.

"uhm, hi. i noticed you and your, uh, friend holding hands. could you maybe...not? its just my kid's here with me and-"

"first off, i'll have you know this isn't my friend. this is my boyfriend. his name is tomura. and second off, i get to hold his hand on public, even if dumbasses like you say it's weird." dabi cut her off.

"dabi-" dabi shot a glare at tomura, making him shut up. dabi continued to argue quietly with this woman, trying not draw too much attention to themselves.

"its disgusting! two men holding hands is...its just wrong!" the lady snapped at dabi. he glared at her and stood up.

"leave us alone." dabi snapped back.

"why don't you just stop displaying your disorder to the whole world first?" the lady smirked.

"why don't you fuck off?" dabi said through gritted teeth.

dabi didn't listen to whatever she said next and just sat back down, getting closer to tomura.

"that! that what im talking about! its unnatural!" she snapped.

dabi looked at her and sat up straight. he placed his arm around tomuras shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"felt pretty natural to me." dabi smirked.

"dabi!" tomura whisper-yelled, elbowing the taller softly. dabi laughed as the woman stormed away angrily, grabbing a small boy from a table.

"come on, kai. werw leaving." she said.

"run along now!" dabi waved, smiling as she walked out of the restaurant.

dabi turned to tomura. he wasn't smiling like he was earlier.

"hey, tomura. whats wrong?" he asked, tilting tomuras head towards him.

tomura nodded and looked at dabi

"its just-...you didn't have to engage in the argument." tomura sighed.

"i-...i know, tomura. i should have thought more in the situation. but, we didn't come here to be sad. We came here to eat! now, let's dine, shall we?" dabi smiled, kissing his boyfriend on the forehead.

"hehehe...yeah." tomura smiled, starting to eat his food.

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