he said my name🌺

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take smut as another apology offering

tomura had been sharing a room with dabi for months now, not by choice of course. the league had to find a new hideout and there were only so many rooms in the new building, so dabi and tomura shared a room. tomura didn't like sleeping with him. dabi would get up a lot in the middle of the night for no reason. at least it was for no reason tomura knew.

you see, dabi found tomura extremely attractive. every time tomura looked dabis way, his heart raced. dabi loved tomura. so when they started having to share a room, dabi couldn't control himself. he would usually get a hard-on in the middle of the night at the thought of being that close to tomura, close enough to touch his body. as easy as it would have been to just touch tomura in his sleep, dabi had enough human decency to keep his hands to himself. literally. instead, he'd get up and go and jack off to the thought of tomura, and then when he was done he'd go lay back down as if nothing happened. somehow tomura always slept through this.

except for one night, however. dabi stood up and went to the bathroom, and did his thing. he was never quiet, he never had to be. tomura was a heavy sleeper, so dabi could just do what he needed and tomura would never know.

tomura pov

i woke up with the bed feeling lighter, meaning dabi stood up again. i heard the bathroom door open, and i think dabi tried to close it, but it didn't click shut. i opened my eyes and sat up, staring at the bathroom door. i heard a rhythmic beating- oh. i could hear him moaning.

"f-fuck...i l-love y-you, t-tomura" i swear i almost choked on air. he just said my name. i shook my head and continued to listen. he kept saying my name, and i didn't know how to feel. on one hand, i was flattered, he was jerking off to me. on the other hand, it was kind of creepy. he was jerking off to me, trying his hardest so that i didn't find out. still pretty flattering.

i was thinking about this for way too long, just spaced out staring at the bathroom door, because soon dabi opened the door and froze.

"oh, uh, hey, b-boss." he cleared his throat awkwardly. he adjusted his sweat pants and walked over to our bed. i made sure my gloves were still on and i rubbed the back of my neck.

"you uh said my name." i pointed out.

"w-what are you talking about?" dabi asked

"i heard you. you kept saying my name. when you were in there." i stared at him. he sat down on the bed and stared at our blanket.

"im sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." dabi said before turning away from me.

"look at me, dabi." i grabbed his shoulder.

"what?" he didn't look at me

"you didn't make me uncomfortable. look at me." i sighed. this time he sat up and looked at me.

"i didn't? then why did you- why did you bring it up?"

"why did you say my name?" i finished that by kissing his cheek. he looked at me for a second before slamming our lips together and pushing me into the wall. he shoved his tongue into my mouth and started exploring every inch. i wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. dabi put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me into the bed. soon, we had to pull away for air, and both of our faces were extremely flushed.

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