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Tomura pov

I woke up with Dabi's arms around my waist. As usual.  I looked at my hands. It was almost a habit at the point to sleep in the gloves. I stood up and turned on the light

Dabi groaned and pulled the covers over his eyes. I sat down on the bed and ran my hand lightly over his chest. He shivered from the touch. I pressed a soft kiss on his lips and smiled at him.

"Wake up, patchwork." I said

"I don't wanna." He replied tiredly

"Get up." I said, yanking the covers away.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and groaned.

He stood up and yawned. We both fell asleep in just our underwear, so when he stretched his arms up his chest was in full view. His beautifully defined chest.

"Might as well get dressed before going downstairs." I said, trying to hide that I wanted to see it longer.

"Why? We're the only ones here today. Everyone else went out of town with Kurogiri." Dabi stated.

"Fair." I walked up and pressed a soft kiss on his lips

I put on a black long sleeve shirt and jeans.

I threw one of Dabi's shirts at him, and one of his pairs of jeans.

"Do I have to?" He asked, holding the jeans and shirt

"Yes. Now put your clothes on." I told him. He groaned and pith his clothes on. I looked across the room at his jacket. Then back at him. We locked eyes and then we both looked at the jacket. We both darted towards it and, I grabbed it before Dabi could.

"Ha." I say, pulling jacket on.

"Give it." He said, holding out his hand

"Make me." I laughed.

"Tomura." He said, stepping forward

"No." I stated, turning around. I walked towards the door and, without a moment of hesitation, Dabi grabbed the jacket and pulled me back into his arms.

"Jacket." He said firmly

"Why?" I say

"Give. It. To. Me." He said, grabbing my throat softly. He didn't squeeze my throat, he just held it in his hand.

I groaned and took his hand off my neck.

"Fine." I took off the jacket and gave it to him.

"Thank you." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Let's go." I opened the door and walked down the stairs. I grabbed a cup from the bar and filled it to the brim with whiskey

"Dude, you just woke up, and you're already pouring half the bottle? Save some for me, ass." Dabi smirked, taking the bottle and pouring himself a cup.

"Cheers." I said, clinking our drinks together.

I chugged the drink and looked at Dabi. He was so beautiful, and I was so lucky to have him.

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