bite me🌺

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non villain au
tomura pov

i woke up with a familiar set of arms around my waist. dabis arms. i turned around and saw he was just staring right at me. obviously, i was startled, and nearly fell out of the bed.

dabi grabbed my shirt and pulled me back into the bed.

"my apologies, i was just wanted to play with your hair but... i didn't want to wake you up." dabi smiled, kissing my cheek. i smiled back and kissed his lips.

i stood up and got dressed, gloves and all and pressed another kiss against his lips.

"i have to go, babe. i love you." i smiled. dabi smiled back and kissed me again. i left the house and got into my car. i had to go meet with twice about a possible new recruit.

dabi pov

the second tomuras car pulled out of the drive way, i stood up and cracked my back. i grabbed a white shirt, putting my long jacket over it and i went to the kitchen, making a cup of coffee.

i went to mine and tomuras shared laptop and saw he had a few notifications. i decided to check them, just to see what's been going on on his account.

there were a few texts from someone of the name of "hawks"


h- good morning, shigi
h- we haven't texted in a while, how are you?
h- why aren't you answering?
h- i was thinking we should take our friendship to the next level...
h- we should be more... that dabi doesn't have to know.

that was the last text and i could feel my hand shaking in anger. he wanted tomura to cheat on me... i decided to pretend to be tomura and i started to type out a response


s- i don't know...what if he finds out?

h- he won't.

s- hmmmm...fine. send me your address, i'll be right over.

h- good. here; [address]

i smiled and stood up. i pushed the chair in and went to the kitchen. i grabbed some ice just in case i over use my quirk.

i got into my car and drove to hawks's house


s- i'm here

h- the door is open

i walked up the steps and knocked on the door

"ah, shigi. it's been a wh- ah...dabi." hawks froze when he saw my face

"hello, keigo takami." i glared at him. i walked in and shut the door behind me.

i placed my hand out, ready to set a bitch on fire, and stared at hawks.


"why did you want my boyfriend so badly?" i glared deeper.

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